
How gum disease can lead to a Heart Attack

Apr 21, 2009 142 Views

Scientists are now discovering that bodily inflammation is linked with a host of diseases including Heart Disease, Stroke, Lung Disease, Cancers, Alzheimers and others...


The Hidden Chemicals We Are Exposing Our Families To

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 03, 2015 442 Views

Did you know that 80,000 chemicals flow through our system of commerce, and may are going straight into our bodies? This month's FMTV Film Club will change the way you view disease!


8 Fascinating Health Benefits of Cauliflower + 3 Recipes

by James Colquhoun Sep 03, 2019 25K Views

When you think of your favorite vegetables, Cauliflower might not automatically come to mind but this mild colored, mild-flavored vegetable delivers a whole spectrum of health benefits that’ll have you wondering how you can get more of it in your meals each day.


How to Make Golden Paste: The Anti-Inflammatory Dip You Can Put On Literally Anything

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 24, 2019 95K Views

Turmeric is bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to its main compound, curcumin. Here’s how to properly eat turmeric to get the most out of its powerful compound.


Top 5 Things to Avoid in Your Skin Care Routine

by Annmarie Skin Care Oct 07, 2020 5.0K Views

What's the best skin care routine? In this post, we’re going to focus on those steps you should let go, and right now. Maybe you’ve been doing these and maybe not, but just in case, here are five steps that if you want youthful, radiant skin, you should dump from your routine today.


10 Key Takeaways from 2020

by James Colquhoun Dec 23, 2020 918 Views

If we look around at a tough situation hard enough, there’s almost always a lesson to be learned. It’s not to discredit the issues at hand, or the many many hardships that the world has had to face this year, but to reflect on the tough and trying times that 2020 has brought - and the incredible teachings it has had to offer. If you’re struggling to see the silver linings in it all, these are my top 10 key takeaways from 2020.


How To Think Yourself Healthier

by James Colquhoun Jan 04, 2017 2.6K Views

Searching for the missing key to make your New Year health resolutions come to fruition next year? Try these simple tips to think your way to better health!


Here’s How To Use Ayurvedic Food Combining For Better Digestion

by The Chalkboard Mag Dec 01, 2018 1.6K Views

If you're eating colorful and clean, but still not feeling your best after meals, maybe it’s time to tweak the pairings on your plate. In Ayurveda, good digestion is key to vibrant health — and the concept of food combining is an essential element.


Could Trapped Emotions Be Holding You Back? Break Free from Emotional Baggage & Heal for Good with Dr. Bradley Nelson

by James Colquhoun Aug 22, 2022 4.1K Views

Could emotional baggage be stopping you from living a life of ease and comfort? There are endless ways emotional baggage can show up in our lives, and the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in our bodies, affecting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Bradley Nelson, one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology joins us in this exclusive extended interview from Transcendence Season 2 where he explores how pain and illness can often be a sign of unaddressed emotional baggage. During this conversation, we explore the skills needed to discover and release trapped emotions, allowing the body to heal faster and more efficiently.


Do We All Have a Purpose?

by James Colquhoun May 19, 2020 439 Views

Do you believe that we all have a purpose? And that once you find it, will it be as grand, romantic, and extraordinary as you imagine it? To Sadhvi Bhagawatiji, this feels like a tragic myth. In Transcendence Season 2, she shares her thoughts on living a purposeful life while staying rooted to what’s in alignment with the core of who we are.

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