
5 Must Watch Documentaries of 2017

by Ivette Rieksts Sep 12, 2017 9.8K Views

Do you consider yourself a bit of a documentary buff? Well versed in the latest wellness films? Here are 5 films you may not have seen yet.


Nutty Fact: Tree Nuts Reduce All-Cause Death By Up To 20%

Jun 02, 2014 427 Views

Yes you read correct and you may have read this many times before. This evidence-based, scientific statement has been driving many health professionals nuts (pardon the pun). A question that many doctors can't answer; why is conventional medication still being prescribed when the answer is simple, natural and just as effective.


6 Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

by Tess Patrick Mar 09, 2021 1.8K Views

If you look back, cultures have been fermenting food for as long as we can remember. But they’re not just for adding extra color, flavor, or crunch to a meal (although these are all great)... Here are 6 of the best health benefits.


10 Healing Teas We Love

Sep 28, 2014 3.9K Views

There is something so comforting about a cup of tea. There's nothing a soothing cup of tea can't help with... It may even hold a lot of life's answers! The benefits for the mind are obvious when you are holding that warm cup of tea, but this little pleasure also has a number of amazing health benefits!


7 foods for a healthy heart

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 25, 2015 3.0K Views

How relevant is high cholesterol to your risk of heart disease? The truth may surprise you! Learn the truth about cholesterol and 7 foods for a healthy heart!


6 Natural Ways to Balance Your Blood Sugar

by Cyndi O'Meara Dec 30, 2015 6.1K Views

Discover how to balance your blood sugar with these 6 Natural ways.


Is Your Food Giving You A Cold Sore? Plus Tips On Using Food To Fight Recurring Infections

by Chae Calder Nov 02, 2017 15K Views

Do you regularly get cold sores? It just may be the foods that you're eating could be causing the virus to flare up. Learn which foods to eat and which to decrease to reduce outbreaks.


Six Ways Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

Aug 28, 2012 40K Views

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and we know the numerous health benefits associated with the mind, body and spirit. Yoga helps to bring the body into balance and a regular yoga session will help increase muscle tone and promote weight loss. Find out 6 ways yoga can help you to lose weight.


Why Your Hormones Need You To Cleanse

by Nat Kringoudis Aug 10, 2015 28K Views

There are so many reasons why a cleanse is a great idea for your insides - not limited to happy bowels, less bloating, weight loss, clearer skin. Actually pretty much every corner of your wellbeing loves you for it.


A New Spin On Spinach

by Lee Holmes Oct 28, 2015 525 Views

With the rise in popularity of 'superfood' greens such as kale and collard greens, it appears that that not so trendy workhorse spinach has taken a backseat. But this tasty, affordable and incredibly versatile green deserves a place as a staple item on the household shopping list, as it remains one of the most nutritionally dense foods around.

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