
Immune Boosting Fire Cider

by Christa Orecchio Mar 19, 2020 13K Views

Fire cider provides very similar immune-boosting benefits to that of elderberry syrup. Fire cider can be diluted with water or tea and be taken when you are feeling under the weather.


5 Ways to Nourish Your Gut Microbiome

by The Food Matters Team May 30, 2024 1.9K Views

Discover the key to optimal health with our guide to understanding and eating for your gut microbiome. Embrace diverse, fiber-rich foods and probiotics to nurture a flourishing gut ecosystem, promoting digestion, immunity, and overall well-being.


Sticky Ginger Tempeh Bowl

by Rachel Morrow Jan 18, 2021 4.9K Views

This simple bowl is a healthy source of plant-based protein, easy to make for weeknights, and is enjoyed by the whole family. Discover our go-to 20-minute tasty recipe.


To Soy Or Not To Soy?

Aug 14, 2012 1.7K Views

You’ve probably heard a lot of opinions around the health benefits and health implications of consuming health products. This article will help you weigh several factors before deciding whether soy is right or wrong for you.


6 Ways To Improve Your Digestive Health

by Dr. Melina Roberts Sep 09, 2015 5.9K Views

Our digestive health is key to achieving optimal health. The better shape our digestive tract is in, the better health we are in.


SIBO: Symptoms & How To Treat Bacterial Overgrowth

by Yuri Elkaim Jul 30, 2016 25K Views

Yuri Elkhaim discusses SIBO: small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Yuri explains the signs and symptoms of SIBO and how to deal with this uncomfortable condition.


7 Tips to Heal Your Digestion Naturally

by Katrina Love Senn Apr 08, 2016 12K Views

Heal your gut and your digestion naturally with these 7 nourishing and soothing tips.


3 Simple Gut Healing Recipes

Feb 16, 2015 9.6K Views

So, we've given you the natural solutions to help treat symptoms of IBS. But maybe you are wondering what recipes you can include in your day to continue to nourish your gut? After all, it is said to be our 2nd brain, so let'??s feed it some brain food with these 3 simple recipes!


Black Bean Spaghetti Salad with Sesame Toasted Broccoli

Mar 22, 2017 3.4K Views

Mixing up your usual pasta dish with this black bean spaghetti version from the latest recipe book "A Whole New Way to Eat" by Vladia Cobrdova.


Why Is Sourdough Easier To Digest?

by Tess Patrick Dec 26, 2021 2.4K Views

For many people, and you’ve probably been here too, breaking up with gluten can be hard. While some go cold turkey gluten-free, others will look to find a little balance. Many who aren’t celiac will find that balance in sourdough.

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