
Immune Boosting Recipes

by Rachel Morrow Oct 21, 2015 1.9K Views

It's easy to stay on top of your immune system by including certain foods. Some of our favorites include beetroot, ginger, and lemons. We've taken these immune boosting ingredients and created some recipes to help you include them into your day!


How to Get Rid of Sugar Cravings Once and for All

by The Food Matters Team Jun 10, 2024 2.5K Views

Learn how to conquer sugar cravings with these tips. Discover the benefits of a balanced diet, hydration, and mindful eating practices to reduce your desire for sugary treats. Implement these strategies to achieve a healthier lifestyle and maintain lasting energy.


How To Reverse Brain Fog In Less Than 20 Minutes

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 22, 2017 18K Views

Lack of water to the brain can cause numerous side effects, such as difficulty with focus, memory, brain fatigue and brain fog, as well as headaches, sleep issues, anxiety, depression and moodiness. Learn more here...


Insomnia, How to Fall Asleep Naturally

by Matthew Schmookler Sep 28, 2015 2.9K Views

Raise your hand if you have trouble getting to sleep each night? There are a lot of this playing a role in this, discovering what some of them are and how you can treat insomnia naturally!


11 Things To Consider If You're Having Trouble Sleeping

by Ralph Moorman Sep 30, 2015 15K Views

Finding that one thing to determine why you can't sleep at night is almost impossible... Why? Because it's likely that there are a number of things on this list that are contributing to your sleepless nights!


Learning To Eat Mindfully

by Collin McShirley Nov 17, 2015 2.5K Views

Without delving too deeply into physical benefits of general mindfulness here, things like reduced stress, lower blood pressure, better sleep habits, and an overall more positive outlook. So how easy is it to begin eating mindfully? Find out here.


The 6 Types Of Stress & How They Affect Your Weight

by Emily Drew Sep 11, 2015 3.4K Views

There is psychological/emotional stress, sleep deprivation stress, inflammation-induced stress, chemical stress, dietary routine and physical stress. That's a lot of stress! Well, there is good news. We can reduce these all through smart choices and clever life hacks.


Why You Should Never Use Your Phone After 6:00 PM

by Ronald Goedeke Jan 12, 2018 17K Views

Can’t figure out why you wake up feeling tired? Today, most people are accidentally committing these sleep quality mistakes that are sapping energy and hurting your health. But just 6 small tweaks to your bedtime routine can make a huge difference.


From Ghee to Digestive Health: Ayurvedic Insights with Myra Lewin

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 13, 2024 1.1K Views

Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, and the digestive issues that often accompany them? In this interview with Myra Lewin from Hale Pule, we explore how some simple and practical Ayurveda principles can help. From covering the benefits of ghee to offering practical advice on managing stress and anxiety, including specific foods and practices that support a healthy gut, this podcast interview with Mrya covers a lot but with many easy-to-implement steps.


Overcoming Insomnia Naturally with Tom Cronin

by James Colquhoun Apr 01, 2019 2.5K Views

Imagine how you’d feel if, by making simple changes, you could start to sleep through the night, waking up fresh and energized. This week's podcast episode dives deep into what helps us to sleep with Tom Cronin from The Stillness Project.

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