
6 Sleep-Inducing Foods You Should Eat Before Bed

by Dr. B.J. Hardick May 07, 2016 106K Views

Instead of depending on a bottle of sleeping pills to get you through the night, try the natural approach. These common ingredients help balance your sleep hormones with every bite.


What Women MUST Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer

Apr 13, 2010 111 Views

It is now widely accepted that menstrual cycles are a "curse" and the Pill has relieved women of these monthly tortures. But does the Pill really improve a womana??s health? Or, will it contribute to a health catastrophe of unparalleled proportions?


How to Repair Damaged Skin Naturally

by Annmarie Skin Care Oct 10, 2019 2.2K Views

All of these so-called “flaws” are evidence of damaged skin. Just like a brand new car gradually loses that shiny sheen and becomes etched, dulled, rusted, scratched, and marked, our skin gets worn by exposure to the sun and environmental elements, and because of the changes that occur inside us as we age.


6 Emotional Wellness Tips That Will Help You Age Well

by The Chalkboard Mag Jul 01, 2017 4.2K Views

Keep those telomeres long and strong. Find out why Dr. Sara Gottfried is helping us make the important connection between emotional wellness and anti-aging…


Learn Everything You Need to Know About CBD + THC

by James Colquhoun May 01, 2019 11K Views

Both Cannabidiol (CBD) & Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) carry significant therapeutic attributes, but they work in different ways. Discover everything you need to know about these trending health products.


Yoga for Sleep: 10 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better Tonight

by Brett Larkin Jan 23, 2020 9.0K Views

How did you sleep last night? Was it restful, delicious, and stuff that dreams are made of (literally)? Or was it fitful, filled with waking periods, and left you wanting more? Before popping a sedative, which can alter your mood and ability to concentrate for days after taking it, it’s best to first take a look at your daily habits.


3 Tips to Help You Feel Healthy in 2016

by Katrina Love Senn Jan 02, 2016 316 Views

Look good, feel great, and get healthy in 2016 with these great tips.


Fear Or Fads - What's Really Driving Your Health Kick?

by Delia McCabe Mar 30, 2015 351 Views

We all have different reasons for choosing to be healthy. But are they the right ones, based on nourishing and nurturing, or are they really driven by fear or fads?


Does Your Gut Microbiome Play a Role in Your Metabolism?

by Tess Patrick Feb 04, 2021 1.0K Views

Years on and gut health is still one of the most talked-about topics in nutrition. Microbiome and metabolism is a complex relationship, so I’ve taken this opportunity to dive further into peer-reviewed research to find out exactly what drives this theory, what it means for us as individuals, and for the future of gut health.


6 Ways to Sneak Superfoods Into Your Child's Meal

by Lee Holmes Mar 05, 2016 2.0K Views

Learn some delicious ways to hide vegetables in food!

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