
How to Boost Your Immunity During Coronavirus Outbreak

by James Colquhoun Mar 13, 2020 60K Views

What we can’t quite understand is why everyone is bulk-buying toilet paper, to the point of chaos in supermarkets, but not stocking up on Vitamin C. So here are 11 ways to boost your immunity during the coronavirus outbreak.


Why We're Spending a Year on a Tropical Island

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 21, 2020 11K Views

In Wild & Free, our newest vlog series from Food Matters, we hope to inspire you to explore alternative options to living the status quo when it comes to travel, work, kids’ education, and spreading awareness about volunteer programs in third world countries. Read about our journey in this article.


What Healthy Chef, Cynthia Louise, Really Eats Every Day!

by Ivette Rieksts Nov 14, 2017 2.6K Views

Curious to find out what a day in the life of Chef, foodie and raw foodist entails? Catch our exclusive Q & A with Chef Cynthia Louise.


Dispelling the Disease Myth

Jul 19, 2012 72 Views

Cancer is among one of many illnesses that falls into the category of a??diseasesa?? however these illnesses are often our bodies efforts in keeping us alive. Oncologist, Thomas Lodi explains how important it is to look at the underlying cause of these illnesses and how remove the myth of disease.


14 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

by Laurentine ten Bosch Sep 29, 2015 66K Views

Chia seeds have been used for years, both for nutrients and for medicinal reasons. Here are 14 reasons why you should be adding chia seeds to your every day diet.


The Truth About Milk

Jun 21, 2011 986 Views

Raw milk proponent and dairyman Mark McAfee sheds light on pasteurization, the benefits of consuming unadulterated food, and the war on bacteria.


How Your Hormones Affect Your Whole Body (& What To Do About It)

by James Colquhoun Nov 20, 2020 976 Views

We’ve been conditioned to think that hormones are this awkward byproduct of puberty, that causes voices to break and acne to crop up at the most inconvenient times. Or the post-middle-age menopause symptoms of hot flushes and night sweats… Hormones are so much more than that. Discover the true purpose of hormones and how they are playing a role in your health.


How to Control Your Emotions Rather Than be a Slave to Them

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 08, 2021 15K Views

Emotions create energy in the body and when negative energy is stored in the body it can have a long-term effect on your health and in some cases, lead to chronic disease and illness.


5 Reasons Why Your Body Will Love Lucuma!

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 04, 2016 15K Views

Are you searching for a natural sweetener that won't spike your blood sugar levels or harm your health? Look no further than lucuma! Discover why this is one incredible superfood that you don't want to walk past in the health food aisle.


7 Impressive Reasons To Eat Goji Berries

by James Colquhoun Jun 29, 2017 8.8K Views

Goji berries, or wolfberries, have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. They were one of the first natural products to be dubbed a superfood and as such, consumption of goji berries has increased dramatically over the past 20 years. Here are a few good reasons to add goji's to your diet.

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