
Conventional Vs Alternative Medicine Explained

Oct 12, 2009 16K Views

A burgeoning public consciousness is awakening people to the pursuit of health through natural practices. But when should you use conventional medicine and when should you use natural/alternative medicine?


4 Reasons To Love Ugly Fruit And Vegetables

by Christabel Benoit Jun 24, 2016 1.3K Views

Why should you choose the 'deformed' carrot instead of the normal looking one? Well, it might actually be more nutritious, more likely to be organic and have an impact on world hunger!


1 Spice vs 14 Drugs! (Who Wins?)

Jul 06, 2014 24K Views

Studies have now confirmed that turmeric is more powerful than artificial, over-the-counter medication! Here are the surprising reasons why you should be eating more of this delicious, warming spice instead.


Superfood Secrets of a Supermodel

Jul 19, 2012 877 Views

Miranda Kerr is most known for her career as a supermodel but most don'??t know she has a background in nutrition and is passionate about natural living. Find out her favorite superfoods here.


Insomnia, How to Fall Asleep Naturally

by Matthew Schmookler Sep 28, 2015 2.9K Views

Raise your hand if you have trouble getting to sleep each night? There are a lot of this playing a role in this, discovering what some of them are and how you can treat insomnia naturally!


COVID-19: How to Prepare Your System For a New Virus Never Seen Before

by Jodi Chapman Apr 08, 2020 32K Views

We know that this is a stressful time for so many, where misinformation is another worry we don't need. There is an abundance of conflicting health advice, so we asked our naturopath to share her advice and protocol.


I Stopped Eating Gluten, Dairy & Sugar for 21 Days - Here's What Happened

by Tess Patrick Mar 29, 2021 17K Views

I like to think I lead a relatively healthy, balanced lifestyle. I drink my superfood greens in the morning and eat organic vegetables throughout the day. I knew it needed a drastic overhaul, but amid fad-diets, endless recipes, and little time to spend in the kitchen, I had no clue where to begin.


5 Ways To Get Healthy On Your Way To Work!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 05, 2016 232 Views

Most of us have to get to work in the morning. But how you get there can either contribute to radiant health, or leave you feeling flat. Here are 5 ways to get healthy on your way!


5 Ways To Have A Healthy & Happy Relationship With Food

by Michele Lian Dec 19, 2015 2.6K Views

Struggling to eat healthy? Here are 5 ways to help improve your relationship with food, so your healthy eating plans last the distance.


The Dairy Industry's Dirtiest Secret

Feb 17, 2011 146 Views

Do you know what happens to the male calves of dairy cows? This article reveals the brutal treatment of male bobby calves as they get left behind as a by-product of the dairy industry.

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