
Reclaim Your Lunch Break

by Melanie Eager Nov 18, 2015 177 Views

Do you take a lunch break? If you don't, you're unfortunately not alone. There are health benefits for both yourself and your employer if you take this time to reset! Discover in this article why you need to be taking this short break.


10 Foods and What Body Part They’re Good For (Infographic)

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 16, 2019 22K Views

Did you know that there are foods that actually look like the body parts that they're good for?! Crazy right? This infographic breaks down 10 of these different foods so you can start adding what you need into your diet.


5 Beauty Benefits of Fiber

by Tess Patrick Jul 04, 2021 1.1K Views

Fiber is a crucial element of food for health, we know that. In fact, it’s the only ‘food waste’ that we actively seek out, mainly for its vital role in promoting good digestion. Except it’s not just digestion that this pseudonutrient supports; it can be one of the best things to support a holistic beauty ritual. Here's why...


25 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas

by James Colquhoun Apr 10, 2019 754K Views

Hangovers, morning sickness, depression, protection against cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and blindness. These are just some of the health benefits of bananas. Here are 25 powerful reasons to eat bananas!


7 Tips for Managing Menopause Naturally

by Tess Patrick Jan 18, 2022 553 Views

There comes a time in every woman’s life where the next stage of gracefully aging begins. Hot flushes meet clammy hands, and mood swings appear like when you first went through puberty. Here are some of the best tips for managing menopause naturally, so you can gently ease your body into this next stage of womanhood.


Colon Hydrotherapy - The Therapy that Even Doctors are Recommending

Feb 09, 2012 7.1K Views

Health begins in your colon, so it's important to keep it clean. Doctors are now touting colon therapy as an easy and effective colonoscopy preparation because they flush waste and pathogens out of your intestines prior to the procedure.


The Miracle Superfood: Packs More Protein Than Red Meat

Jan 12, 2013 14K Views

What if adding just one food to your diet could provide you with a multitude of nutrients and an endless list of health protective benefits? Discover Spirulina - one of the most nutritious and concentrated food sources on the planet.


Morning Rituals We Are Committing to This Year!

by James Colquhoun Jan 08, 2019 2.7K Views

While there may not be one morning routine that works for everyone, there are a number of rituals and practices that, more often than not, set up a successful and happy day for anyone who gives them a try! Here are 6 morning rituals we will be committing to this year.


How To Keep Your Kids Happy, Busy, and Healthy when School Closes

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 23, 2020 869 Views

The prospect of schools closing is a daunting one for many parents, but we can choose to see this as an opportunity to spend time with our children and provide them with a holistic education.


Could Root Canal Be Linked to Cancer?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 02, 2019 6.8K Views

Each year in the United States more than 25 Million root canal procedures are performed by dentists who believe they are delivering a safe and permanent fix for patients suffering from an infected tooth. Is it safe or could it be linked to cancer?

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