
4 Soothing Teas For the Nervous System

by Kate Dalton Jun 01, 2018 3.4K Views

Utilizing the goodness of herbal tea and its therapeutic components is one of the most effective ways to nourish your nervous system, as well as prevent stress from having an ill effect on your health.


Health Benefits of Ginger + 3 Simple Ways to Use It

by Kate Dalton Apr 26, 2019 3.3K Views

If you tend to have a colder constitution, lowered immunity, inflammation or a slower digestion; ginger is one of the most therapeutic herbs you could incorporate into your daily life. As a bonus, it’s one of the most accessible!


Natural Ways To Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Illness

Aug 13, 2012 30K Views

Your digestive tract acts as your first line of defense against autoimmune disease. This article reviews several natural ways to protect yourself against autoimmune illness. In some cases, these steps outlined can actually reverse some of the degenerative changes that can accompany various autoimmune illnesses.


Foods To Help You Fight Stress

Jan 25, 2012 392 Views

Take the quiz in this article to pinpoint your stress type. If you answer yes to three or more questions in any section, just follow the expert nutritional advice for a slimmer, calmer, healthier life.


How to make a Low FODMAP meal

by Colleen Francioli Dec 10, 2016 3.3K Views

Have you got IBS? Unsure where to start to ease your symptoms? A Low-FODMAP diet could be the answer. But it doesn’t have to be daunting; your cheat sheet for meal prep is here!


A New Year A New You!

by James Colquhoun Jan 04, 2010 97 Views

This year let's make a commitment together for a healthier and more abundant life! To help get you started we've got 10 great ideas you can implement today for improved health, energy and vitality!


The Lowdown On Lead Toxicity: What’s It All About?

by James Colquhoun Jun 21, 2016 631 Views

Heavy metal toxicity has been a subject of public health concern for many decades. Today, what are the real risks associated with lead toxicity? And what can we as individuals do to protect ourselves? Discover the lowdown on lead here!


Food Matters Healthy Holiday Shopping Guide

by James Colquhoun Dec 09, 2020 5.3K Views

The holidays represent a special time for gifts and family gatherings. And at Food Matters, we believe that you are what you eat (and what you put on your body) so here are our top healthy holiday gifts for 2020!


Staring At A Screen All Day? Here Are 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Eyes

by Rachel Morrow Jun 02, 2018 1.8K Views

Our eyes are pretty amazing organs. We get to witness the outside world with them. We are living in a world where our digital screen time and lifestyle is slowing down our eye's efficiency due to continuous stress. Learn 3 things we are doing daily to help protect our eyes.


6 Underlying Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

by Vanessa Lamaro Nov 03, 2021 300 Views

Have you been feeling low lately? Maybe you’re lacking energy, or experiencing more mood swings than usual. You might even be struggling with getting a good night’s sleep or regulating your stress levels. It’s easy to let these symptoms slide, but these are all actually common signs that you may be experiencing hormonal imbalance.

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