
7 Tricks To Eating Healthy All Week

Aug 10, 2014 3.7K Views

Time. We are all time-poor and too often associate healthy eating with more time (that we don't have). It doesn't have to be like this for you! Discover 7 tricks to keep your food cleansing, restorative, fun & time-friendly!


Ayurveda and Dosha Types for Beginners

by Chara Caruthers May 25, 2019 2.0K Views

Ayurveda defines the three doshas as the natural intelligence that direct how everything in the body-mind behaves. If you're new to Ayurveda and its doshas discover more here about this Indian medicine system.


7 Nutrients You May Be Missing On A Plant-Based Diet (And What To Do About It)

by James Colquhoun Jun 02, 2021 24K Views

If you’re not paying attention to exactly what you’re eating on a plant-based diet, you can put your body at risk. So I hit the books and consulted with medical professionals to bring together this definitive guide of 7 nutrients that you may be missing in a plant-based diet, plus what you can do if you are deficient.


Dealing With Anxiety or Depression? You Should Read This!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 25, 2019 2.1K Views

With many of my friends experiencing the frustrating scenario of feeling anxious and depressed and no solution seeming to work, we sought answers to understand if anxiety and depression could be symptoms of a physical condition and we found the disorder known as Pyroluria.


6 Hormone Balancing Secrets to Relieve PMS

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 14, 2017 11K Views

While we can’t stop PMS from happening, we can make it easier to handle. Here are 6 ways you can make that time of the month feel a lot better.


3 Foods That Could Change Your Life!

Aug 04, 2013 12K Views

Do you ferment your own food or have been thinking of trying it? Discover the 3 powerful fermented foods that when consumed together create a powerhouse of goodness and will make you feel alive!


7 Powerful Mushrooms & Their Healing Benefits

by James Colquhoun Jun 03, 2020 14K Views

Do you have your mushrooms diced through a stirfry or brewed into a superfood latte? There’s a way for everyone to enjoy the incredible health benefits of these fungi...


Why I Love FMTV (Food MattersTV)

by Lee Holmes Mar 04, 2018 748 Views

After being diagnosed with a non specific auto-immune disease and fibromyalgia a few years ago, I was accustomed to being in pain, feeling lethargic and depressed. Was there a way out? Here's why I love FMTV...


11 Natural Remedies To Relieve Headaches (Drug-Free!)

Mar 16, 2019 124K Views

Do you wish there was a natural solution to relieve your headache without harmful drugs? There is! Next time you get a headache, try one of these 10 awesome remedies before you opt for the medicine cabinet.


The Healing Power Of Spices

May 31, 2012 4.6K Views

Spices have been used all around the world as far back as 50, 000 B.C. We know they add flavors to our favourite foods but do we really know the health benefits associated with these gifts from Nature.

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