
Andrea Bemis

Andrea started her blog four years ago in an attempt to document life on the 60 acre organic vegetable farm her and her husband were working on in Massachusetts. After back-breaking days spent hunched over the dirt they would return home and cook a meal using all the wonderful …


Kittea Ukkola

Kittea is the creative director of Elixiba. My true personal mission is to be a Seed of Light, for humanity, for the planet and for myself. I have spent my whole life observing mindset and I love the question a??whya??. In the past decade my passion in nature, herbs and …


Kate Dalton

Kate Dalton is behind the company Mayde Tea. Born out of a deep love for the natural healing properties of plants, Mayde Tea has blossomed into a beautiful, organic, herbal tea company based in Byron Bay, Australia. Kate has studied naturopathy, nutrition and herbal medicine at Australia’s leading natural …


Check Out The 2014 Dirty Dozen!

May 18, 2014 245 Views

Recent research shows that by eating mostly organic foods for one week, you can reduce pesticide exposure by an amazing 90 percent! Check out the Environmental Working Group's updated 2014 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list to keep your fruit and vegetable consumption toxin free!


Kim Morrison

In 2008 Kim founded Twenty8 Essentials, an organic chemical-free skincare and aromatherapy company with inspiring, online education programs around the fundamentals of self-care. She is a five times best-selling author, facilitator, Health and Lifestyle Educator.


Food Production - A Model For The Future

Mar 01, 2010 50 Views

Nutrition and food quality begin with the condition of our soil and the way that our food is grown. This film will help you understand the far reaching benefits of biodynamic and organic farming practices and why we should all be eating food grown in this way.


The Truth About ‘Greenwashing’

by Alexx Stuart Sep 10, 2018 575 Views

The words ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ can be used on food and cosmetics labels, but without certification, they mean very little, and the products can still contain dubious ingredients. Over time, once you know your ingredients, you’ll start to see the fake green unravelling before your eyes.


Companion Planting For Natural Pest Control

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 16, 2012 3.1K Views

Organic gardening is safe, healthier and doesn't harm the environment, but many of us are unaware of the natural methods plants use to work together in helping each other grow and repel insects. Find out more about 'companion planting' in this insightful article, full of useful tips.


Abigail Cornell

Abigail Cornell is a young contributor from North West London, UK. She shares her parents love of caring for nature. Abigail has a great passion for growing fresh, organic food whilst enjoying the gardening activities. She works for: Gardening Services Gardeners Ltd.


A State Has Banned GM Crop Indefinitely!

by James Colquhoun Jan 29, 2014 218 Views

This is a big win for the global organic farming industry! A state in Australia has indefinitely banned the use of GM crop for farming and is paving the way for other states and countries across the world. Discover which state it is and the positive effects it is having.

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