

by James Colquhoun Jan 12, 2016 556 Views

The health and wellness trends of 2016 according to the Food Matters team! Do you agree?


Are you drinking toxic tapwater?

Apr 21, 2009 1.2K Views

This chemical additive is making U.S. tap water potentially harmful to drink! Make sure to avoid tap water - and this dubious substance - at all costs!


7 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Hand Sanitizers (And What to Use Instead)

by Annmarie Skin Care May 11, 2015 4.5K Views

Hand sanitizers have been popular since the 1990's, but these convenient gels and sprays are actually unhealthy and damaging your skin.


7 Natural Remedies For Bad Breath

Feb 18, 2013 109K Views

There are few things more unpleasant and uncomfortable in social situations than talking to someone with bad breath. For many people, grabbing a mint or a piece of gum is their go-to solution, as it quickly masks the problem. But this approach often fails to address the root causes of bad breath, which for many people includes dietary deficiency. The reality is that bad breath can be caused by some health conditions, foods and even habits.


Harmful Herbicides - The Research Round-Up On Roundup

by James Colquhoun Oct 29, 2018 1.1K Views

When you have weeds in the garden, do you reach for Roundup to remove them? It’s quite widely accepted that it’s the best, most effective weed killer and it's sold in most Home Depots or Bunnings, but what is in this product and what is it actually doing to our health?


2020’s Most Trending Health Articles

by Tess Patrick Dec 21, 2020 544 Views

In case you missed them, here are our most-loved trending health articles of 2020!


Top 10 Vegetarian Sources Of Protein

Mar 16, 2013 52K Views

One of the most common questions asked of vegetarians and vegans is, "Where do you get your protein?" In actual fact, many plant foods contain some amounts of protein, and it's very easy to get your daily protein requirements from these foods. Discover the top 10 vegetarian sources of protein.


12 Foods Happy People Eat

by James Colquhoun Nov 11, 2014 21K Views

These delicious natural ingredients are loaded with healthy fats and vitamins that affect your brain, giving you a welcome boost to your mood!


4 Homemade Natural Deodorant Recipes That Work!

by Ashleigh Jensen Mar 13, 2019 131K Views

Are you interested in making your own deodorant? Here are 4 DIY deodorant recipes you need to try and reasons why you should avoid conventional deodorant.


Celebrate The Earth With These Ten Films

by James Colquhoun Apr 20, 2016 244 Views

Celebrate international earth day with these planet loving films!

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