
The 5 Best Foods to Fight Inflammation

by James Colquhoun Jan 21, 2021 35K Views

Did you know that an overwhelming amount of chronic disease stems from chronic inflammation in the body? And with that notion, many conditions can be prevented by addressing and taking steps to reduce inflammation within the body. Discover my top 5 anti-inflammatory foods here.


Are You Breathing For Optimal Health?

by James Colquhoun Jul 31, 2017 7.6K Views

Breathing is the most important element of human existence. Recently, James has become fascinated with the study of different breathing techniques and how to apply them to everyday life.


5 Healthy Spine Habits to Follow Daily

by Brent Wells Jul 06, 2019 3.7K Views

These five daily habits that you can include in your normal rituals aren't anything overcomplicated either. You can start making small changes now and continue adding as you go along until all of the habits have become part of your lifestyle. Soon, you will be able to rest easy knowing that your spine is in good condition and so is your health.


Discover A Nutritionist's Tips To Getting Better Sleep

by The Chalkboard Mag Apr 22, 2017 15K Views

Lack of quality sleep affects you on many levels, from your susceptibility to chronic diseases and reduced memory to staying slim. Learn some easy steps to help ensure a restful sleep.


5 Amazing Reasons to Use Patchouli Everyday

by Honey Colony May 21, 2016 2.9K Views

Patchouli originated from the tropical regions of Asia and is versatile in its uses. Here are 5 amazing reasons why you should use it everyday!


6 Ways To Prevent Cancer Naturally (And How To Stay Healthy After!)

by James Colquhoun Aug 23, 2016 13K Views

What’s the best way to prevent cancer? What’s the next best steps once you've recovered? Read these top tips for preventing cancer and staying strong after recovery.


5 Of The Best Ways To Prevent And Treat Osteoporosis

by Alle Weil May 08, 2017 6.0K Views

There are so many factors that increase our risk of osteoporosis. What are the best natural ways to prevent and treat it effectively?


GUIDE: Natural Solutions For Insomnia

by James Colquhoun Apr 05, 2016 8.7K Views

Can't sleep? Try these naturopath-guided solutions to help rid insomnia and give you a good night's sleep naturally.


12 Foods to Boost Your Mood & Energy!

by James Colquhoun Mar 10, 2015 93K Views

We’ve all experienced that 3:00 p.m. slump. Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or, even worse, an energy drink, here are 12 snacks you should try for a quick boost of energy without the crash.


9 Ways To Balance Your Armpit Bacteria and Seriously Minimize Body Odor

Feb 10, 2013 134K Views

Using deodorant might not be enough to combat body odor. Here’s what else you can do to uncover the real problem and find a solution.

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