
What Does A Healthy Eating Plan Actually Look Like?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 09, 2019 5.4K Views

A successful meal plan is a guide that will support you to make healthy food choices and reach your ideal wellness goals. We have some tried and tested tips to help you on your way.


Are You Addicted to Your Phone?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jun 19, 2018 1.5K Views

Keeping connected is paramount in today’s digital society, but is our obsession with our smartphones taking a toll on our inner health? Read more about how to have a healthy relationship with your phone and steer clear of its addictive tendencies.


11 Signs Your Body Is Screaming for a Detox

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 05, 2019 92K Views

Most of us have heard that a detox is good for your health, but do you deeply understand why this ancient practice is so essential for vital well-being? Discover why a detox will leave you sparkling with radiant health and get our top tips for detoxing effectively!


Help Us Reach 100,000 Kids With Essential Nutrients

by James Colquhoun Nov 25, 2013 40 Views

Vitamins may be small in size but the impact they have on children's health is huge! Sadly, millions of children around the world suffer from vitamin deficiency, known as "hidden hunger". Discover the amazing work that Vitamin Angels is doing and how together we can help reach 100,000 kids with essential nutrients.


Is It All In My Head Or Is It My Thyroid ?

by Caroline Scott Jan 29, 2016 938 Views

Thyroid issues are indicative of more serious problems with one or other systems in the body. So why don't know more about it? Read on to find out!


6 Health Benefits Of Using A Tongue Scraper Daily

by The Chalkboard Mag Apr 12, 2018 3.1K Views

You brush your teeth, cleanse your face and may even oil pull, but do you use a tongue scraper? Freshen your breath and improve digestion with this ancient ayurvedic practice.


10 Surprising Statistics About Honeybees

Mar 22, 2014 3.0K Views

Honeybees are one of the most amazing and beneficial insects that we have on this earth. They are at the centre of our food supply, and we rely on their existence. What you might not know about honeybees is that they can fly up to 8.7 miles (14 kms) in search of food! Discover some other surprising and fun facts about honeybees!


Tips to Break the Sugar Habit and Prevent Cravings

Mar 07, 2011 2.3K Views

Do you love croissants, pastries, donuts, cakes and desserts and just cant stop eating them? Some people eat sugar in response to stress or depression, relying on the emotional comfort food to make them feel better but usually to the detriment of their health and weight. Here are some tips to break your sugar habit and prevent those cravings.


Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out

Nov 17, 2014 8.1K Views

Our skin may be the largest organ in our bodies, but it'??s also the last place to receive nutrients. Give your skin a drink from the inside out with these 7 hydrating foods!


The Link Between Love Handles And Insulin Resistance

by Ralph Moorman Sep 08, 2015 29K Views

Can't shift those pesky love handles or excess weight around your middle? There's a good chance it's related to how resistant your cells are to insulin!

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