
Don't Let Dentists Put This Toxin in Your Mouth (Scary Video)

Sep 07, 2011 191 Views

This eye-opening video from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology is worth more than a thousand words when it comes to illustrating the very real danger of mercury fillings. Please become informed about the dangers of 'silver' amalgams if you have them in your mouth, the poisonous vapors are odorless, but cause psychological, neurological, and immunological problems.


Can Eating Junkfood Cure Cancer?

Apr 27, 2010 111 Views

As ludicrous as it may sound this is no joke people, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is now selling pink buckets of chicken under the slogan a??Buckets for the curea??. Read this article where Mike Adams investigates this pinkwashing fraud.


24 Science-Backed Tips to Transform Your Health

by James Colquhoun Mar 03, 2021 10K Views

There are a few simple, easy tricks I have picked up over the years, and the best part is they’re all so enjoyable. I'm sharing these must-try science-backed tips with you, in the hope that you’ll find a way to bring them into your day.


The Miracle Superfood: Packs More Protein Than Red Meat

Jan 12, 2013 14K Views

What if adding just one food to your diet could provide you with a multitude of nutrients and an endless list of health protective benefits? Discover Spirulina - one of the most nutritious and concentrated food sources on the planet.


17 Simple, Healthy Weight Loss Swaps

by James Colquhoun Jun 29, 2016 9.9K Views

Food is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and we all love a special treat from time to time! However, it’s easy for ‘sometimes’ foods to sneak up and become ‘all-the-time’ foods before we know it! Discover easy alternatives that will satisfy your cravings for common treats without putting on the pounds or harming your health.


Dangers Of Commercial Sunscreen & How To Protect Ourselves Naturally

Oct 25, 2010 1.8K Views

Some sunscreens contain harmful chemicals that may be contributing to the development of skin cancers which they are intended to protect against. Learn how to protect yourself against sunburn naturally and how all-natural sunscreens work.


These Girls Are Making A Change! (Giveaway & Recipe)

by Laurentine ten Bosch Sep 09, 2014 946 Views

Inspired by one our favorite films, Finding Joe, the Merrymaker Sisters are on a path to embrace every moment in life and educating their community to do the same. These two sisters have a lot of inspirational diet, lifestyle and recipe tips to share, including 6 amazing e-book bundles to GIVEAWAY!


Diabetes Can Be Reversed Through Major Diet & Lifestyle Changes

Sep 06, 2011 705 Views

A recent report by CNN says that improving one's diet, keeping off excess weight, and regularly exercising, can help millions of people with diabetes get rid of it for good. So how come so many others are still hooked on insulin and diabetes drugs? Find out how you can reverse Diabetes forever.


Delicious Home Made Yoghurt Recipes

Mar 10, 2013 3.6K Views

Yoghurt is a staple food of many traditional cultures around the world and is an excellent probiotic food. Discover some of the incredible and numerous health benefits of yoghurt and learn how to make your own yoghurt at home with these 2 delicious recipes.


UK’s First Plastic-Free Supermarket Zone & How You Can Help

Nov 26, 2018 748 Views

A north London supermarket is ahead of the game in becoming Britain’s first Supermarket to introduce plastic-free zones. How long until we see giant chains following the lead?

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