
Everything You Need To Know About Gut Health (Infographic)

by James Colquhoun Feb 16, 2016 70K Views

This infographic breaks down just what our gut does for us and how to keep it working and healthy.


How A Health Practitioner Helped Me Get Good A Night's Sleep

by Matias Rodriguez Feb 20, 2018 1.0K Views

I decided it was time to get some outsider help. Consulting with an online Health Practitioner seemed like the most efficient and practical way to begin and so I got in touch with one of Food Matters’ qualified online practitioners.


What Does A Healthy Eating Plan Actually Look Like?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 09, 2019 5.4K Views

A successful meal plan is a guide that will support you to make healthy food choices and reach your ideal wellness goals. We have some tried and tested tips to help you on your way.


17 Fun Facts About Kale

Oct 16, 2014 30K Views

The temperatures are cooling and a molecular miracle is happening: kale is getting even better! Discover 17 things everyone needs to know about this empowering vegetable.


Are You Addicted to Your Phone?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jun 19, 2018 1.5K Views

Keeping connected is paramount in today’s digital society, but is our obsession with our smartphones taking a toll on our inner health? Read more about how to have a healthy relationship with your phone and steer clear of its addictive tendencies.


10 Of The Best Greens To Eat

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 11, 2020 22K Views

Leafy green vegetables are truly nutritional superstars, offering whole-of-body benefits to cleanse, nourish and supercharge your health. From kale to spinach, and all the greens in between, here's your go-to guide on the Top 10 greens to include in your diet and why they are so good for you!


6 foods too cruel to eat

Apr 13, 2015 5.4K Views

We highlight 6 of the most inhumane foods ever created and how you can help stop the cruelty.


What’s Really in Instant Noodles? (Shocking)

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 22, 2019 17K Views

Noodles make for the perfect meal among college students and time-poor people alike, but have you ever wondered what your two-minute solution might be doing to your body? We decided to strain the details on what’s been a well-kept secret on how the body processes packaged noodles and the stomach-turning affects that they could have on your body.


12 Gifts That Really Matter

by James Colquhoun Dec 08, 2019 9.1K Views

We want to invoke the generous Christmas spirit without breaking the budget and feel the benefits of giving back from even the most simple things.


What We’re Reading: 7 Best Health & Wellness Books in 2021

by Tess Patrick Feb 25, 2021 2.3K Views

Remember that New Year’s Resolution to read more books this year? Now’s the time to make sure you’re making good on it. At Food Matters, we love to read, so here are the 7 best health and wellness books that are topping our 2021 list.

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