
3 Skin Care Essentials We Can't Live Without

by James Colquhoun Nov 30, 2021 14K Views

Your skin is your largest organ and absorbs 60% of what you lather on it. That’s why it’s super important to go green and keep it clean! Skip all the chemical and toxic-laden beauty products and go au natural. We’ll teach you why and how!


Kefir: What Is It And Why Should You Use It

by Cyndi O'Meara Oct 25, 2015 21K Views

Our ancestors were well aware of its healing power with ‘kefir’ originating from the Turkish word ‘Keyif’, which means ‘good feeling’. Find out what the fermentation process does and why it is so good for you!


Six Ways Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

Aug 28, 2012 40K Views

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and we know the numerous health benefits associated with the mind, body and spirit. Yoga helps to bring the body into balance and a regular yoga session will help increase muscle tone and promote weight loss. Find out 6 ways yoga can help you to lose weight.


Why Your Hormones Need You To Cleanse

by Nat Kringoudis Aug 10, 2015 28K Views

There are so many reasons why a cleanse is a great idea for your insides - not limited to happy bowels, less bloating, weight loss, clearer skin. Actually pretty much every corner of your wellbeing loves you for it.


What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You? 9 Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Jul 19, 2012 18K Views

Suffering from headaches, itchy eyes and throat, chapped lips or constipation? These are all little signs that our body is trying to alert us there are imbalances that need to be taken care of. Find out which signs you shouldn't ignore, and what to do about them.


4 Fabulous Superfood Appetizers for Your Next Party

by Alex Bradford Jan 17, 2016 1.2K Views

Gluten-free superfood appetizer recipes that anyone can make and everyone will love!


Meditation: 5 Key Factors That Helped Me Greatly

by Guy Lawrence Nov 18, 2016 4.8K Views

Are you having trouble meditating? Guy from ‘180 Nutrition’ shares his tips for making meditation the relaxing experience it’s designed to be.


Tea: Medicine In A Cup

Jul 31, 2012 1.2K Views

Tea is the second-most consumed beverage in the world after water, with thousands of blends existing. From slimming to immunity support, we may not be aware of the sheer range of what each individual brew can do for our health and well-being.


Maximize The Nutrient Content Of Your Food: Part 2

by Angela Shurina Sep 21, 2015 173 Views

Last week, we shared part 1 of how you can maximize the nutrient content of your food! This week we are bringing you part 2 so you can get the most out of your food.


Guess What's Coming To Vending Machines In The UK!

Aug 03, 2014 29 Views

Discover what natural food product deemed 'illegal' in the US is making its way into vending machines across the UK. It's proof of how we have the power to change the systems! You're in for a positive surprise

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