7 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
If you’re like most people and don’t have the time to prepare a cold pressed celery juice or harvest a tray of wheatgrass each morning, then the next best thing science says you can do is drink lemon juice and water.
How to make a Low FODMAP meal
Have you got IBS? Unsure where to start to ease your symptoms? A Low-FODMAP diet could be the answer. But it doesn’t have to be daunting; your cheat sheet for meal prep is here!
Winding Back The Clock: Age Gracefully From The Inside Out
Aging gracefully is something many of us aspire to do regardless of race, sex or age. In a world where we are bombarded with constantly changing and often conflicting messages it can be difficult to know what and how to do it well. Dr. Libby shares some secrets!
How To Age Gracefully From The Inside Out
Aging gracefully is something many of us aspire to do regardless of race, sex or age. In a world where we are bombarded with constantly changing and often conflicting messages it can be difficult to know what and how to do it well. Dr. Libby shares some secrets!
Mammograms- A Preventative Or A Cause?
Do you dread getting a mammogram? Let's be honest, it's uncomfortable, sometimes quite painful and recent research shows, possibly dangerous. Discover what research is showing about mammograms and why it could be wise to stay away from this routine procedure
Healing Cancer Naturally - A Holistic Approach
It's up to each individual to empower themselves with knowledge of the myriad ways to eradicate cancer without harming the body. This article gives you a step by step insight on how to overcome cancer without having to rely on conventional medicine.
Your Cholesterol Level is NOT a Great Indicator of Your Heart Disease Risk
"Not only is cholesterol most likely not going to destroy your health (as you have been led to believe), but it is also not the cause of heart disease" Let Dr Mercola take you through his findings in this fascinating article.
Doctors Say Vitamins are Safe and Effective
The news and media proclaim that taking vitamin supplements is of no value and, somehow, actually dangerous. You have heard an earful from reporters. Now let's hear from doctors.
Butter vs. Margarine (Plus 10 Healthy Fats We Love!)
Do you wonder whether you should be buying butter, margarine or something different altogether? While we know it's a slippery debate and your doctors may have told you that butter is high in saturated fats and not good for you, you may want to think twice. Plus discover 10 healthy fats we love!
Is It Time To Boycott The American Cancer Society?
The truth they do NOT want you to know - where the money really goes and who's getting wealthy from your donations. Plus their biggest 'prevention' strategy might actually promote cancer! Dr Mercola also discusses safe cancer detection and screening methods and reveals his top tips for preventing cancer naturally.