
Now You Can Really Enjoy Your Cup of Green Tea

Apr 22, 2009 1.8K Views

Green tea has been consumed in China for centuries and for good reason. Its well known that green tea improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of cancer and helps with weight loss. Learn about a recent study that found how green tea benefits the health of our hearts and arteries.


7 Natural Antibiotics That Rival The Prescription Kind

by James Colquhoun Jan 30, 2019 13K Views

Get rid of infections without the digestive destruction, with these five powerful natural antibiotics.


The 10 Ready-To-Drink Beauty Elixirs We're Loving!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 19, 2016 18K Views

Keeping with the theme of everything BEAUTY, SKIN & GUT, we bring you our list of beauty elixirs we can't live without.


10 Everyday Foods For Health And Vitality

by Laurentine ten Bosch Nov 30, 2016 9.0K Views

Are you headed straight to the superfood section for your pick-me-up? While these foods are amazing for your health, don't miss out on the key staples that give you a nutrient boost too!


5 Foods You'd Never Expect to be Good For Gut Health

by James Colquhoun Jun 02, 2015 10K Views

By now you may know about the wonderful probiotic benefits of kombucha, kefir and sauerkraut. But we bet you didn't realize these everyday foods were good for your gut too!


Drop These 3 Foods And Lose Weight

by James Colquhoun Dec 29, 2017 31K Views

We are big believers that there is more to losing weight than just what you eat, but if you are wanting to lose that extra bulge, ditching well-known inflammatory foods like these 3 can make a huge difference!


Your Guide To Vinegars & Their Uses

by Tess Patrick Jun 12, 2021 1.0K Views

If you ask anyone in the Food Matters office for their favorite salad dressing, you’ll be guaranteed to get a handful of hands raised for a simple vinaigrette. But vinegar has more uses than just spicing up a simple salad. But between malt, red wine, apple cider, and balsamic, what are the benefits that come from each? And when should you be using them? Here’s your ultimate guide to vinegars and their uses.


How To Cleanse With The Change Of Season & Keep From Getting Sick

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 14, 2017 1.8K Views

7 tips to help detox from a dormant season and keep you from getting sick.


7 Habits Harming Your Gut Health

by James Colquhoun Apr 07, 2017 53K Views

Some of these habits seem healthy at first glance- but there’s a big downside you need to know.


5 Traditional Japanese Foods To Help You Live Longer!

by Ivette Rieksts Jan 09, 2017 7.1K Views

What if there were a way to lose weight and live a longer, healthier life without giving up delicious meals or spending hours at the gym? Wouldn’t you want to know this secret to effortless good health?

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