
The Power of Meditation, Yoga & Self-Love to Transform Your Life with Koya Webb

by James Colquhoun May 20, 2019 1.2K Views

Could meditation and yoga be the key to overcoming fear and anxiety, reducing stress, sleep better, leading to a better connection with yourself? In this week's podcast episode James and Koya dive deep into how powerful meditation, yoga, and self-love can be!


7 Things Healthy People Do Before Bed

by James Colquhoun Feb 24, 2015 23K Views

Your evening won’t feel complete without these rituals.


Cumin Scrambled Eggs

by Lee Holmes Jun 25, 2016 6.2K Views

Lee Holmes shares a recipe from her latest book 'Eat Right For Your Shape' and in terms of Ayurvedic philosophy, are the perfect Kapha start to your day.


6 Ways to Naturally Stop Your Sweet Cravings

by Chloe Bennet Sep 19, 2019 2.6K Views

With natural and holistic approaches, it is certainly possible to reduce your sugar cravings and reach for a healthier alternative. In this article, we’ll explore 6 natural ways to curb your sweet tooth.


Acupuncture Can Help Relieve Pain, Stress & Anxiety. Here's How...

by The Chalkboard Mag Aug 28, 2017 3.5K Views

Acupuncture can relieve pain, stress, and anxiety. Here’s how this ancient Eastern art can improve your mental and physical well-being.


5 Surprising Causes of Sugar Cravings

by Danni Archer Dec 09, 2017 55K Views

Five causes of sugar cravings that will probably surprise you and how to eliminate them - no willpower required!


5 Ways To Reduce Inflamed Arteries - Without Drugs

Apr 22, 2009 3.8K Views

Experts predict that as a result of a study, which seemed to show that the statin drug Crestor lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes in those with high levels of inflammation, will lead to millions of people being put on statin drugs.


Liana Werner-Gray

Liana is an advocate for a consistently healthy lifestyle using a wholesome diet & natural lifestyle, by focusing on everything the Earth provides naturally. She grew up in Alice Springs, in Outback Australia and learned from the aboriginal people at a young age about their diet, connection to nature & …


5 Ways To Naturally Balance Your Hormones

by Mary Vance Apr 30, 2016 3.3K Views

Do you struggle with PMS, bloating, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, acne, sugar cravings, insomnia? We are socialized to believe that these symptoms are an inevitable part of fluctuating cyclical hormones, but they are signs that your hormones are not optimally balanced.


The Benefits of Listening to Classical Music

by Renae Redgen Apr 06, 2017 10.0K Views

Regardless of your musical taste, classical music takes the lead when it comes to brain benefits. Here’s why it works so well (and why you should really start listening to some)!

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