
Can Dried Fruit Actually Be Healthy?

by James Colquhoun Jul 09, 2016 10K Views

We often hear about how bad sugar is for our health. And for some of us, this leads to “fructose-fear” and a reluctance to eat even natural sources of sugar Discover how bad - or not - dried fruit really is for your health!


Healthy Food For All: Food Stamps For The Digital World

by Ashleigh Jensen Jul 11, 2016 374 Views

Thrive Market wants to make healthy food accessible to everyone. That’s why they’ve launched a petition to allow people to use their food stamps online. Join the movement and sign the petition at ThriveAction.org.


Is Advertising Making Your Kids Fat and Sick?

Jan 03, 2011 179 Views

Protecting our children from diet-related disease requires guarding them from junk food advertising. This article details what to look out for.


7 Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction

by Dr. Melina Roberts Feb 21, 2019 6.3K Views

Do you have cold hands and cold feet? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Do you experience constipation? Do you have dry skin or brittle nails? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your thyroid may be out of balance.


How To Manage Allergies In Young Children

by Mandy Sacher Jul 31, 2016 2.5K Views

Do you have a child who suffers from allergies? Mandy Sacher shares her top suggestions for how to manage allergies with simple tips that you can implement to ease the discomfort of your child.


10 Tips For The Perfect Mason Jar Salad

Dec 09, 2016 8.5K Views

A mason jar salad has got top be one of the most convenient ways to make and enjoy your salad. Here are some tips to make sure you get it right every time!


The Minimalist Guide To Essential Oils

by James Colquhoun Mar 24, 2015 9.7K Views

The aroma, the feel, the therapeutic qualities – essential oils are one of nature’s most potent power punches, and we can’t get enough! Here are 5 reasons why (and you won’t believe number 4)!


Shaking Up The Salt Debate!

Jul 13, 2014 3.1K Views

A mineral that has received a lot of bad press, salt is actually fundamental to our health. Ironic, isn't it? So why are we led to believe salt is bad? I am blowing the lid on the salt debate.


8 Awesome Reasons To Eat Fermented Foods

by Larina Robinson Oct 12, 2015 3.0K Views

Aside from having a great fizz, or powerful flavor, here are 8 reasons to eat fermented foods!


Natural Alternatives To Toothpaste

by James Colquhoun May 03, 2016 12K Views

Would you like to look after your bright pearly whites without the toxic chemicals added to regular toothpastes? Discover the hidden nasties that are lurking in conventional toothpastes, and what you can use instead!

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