
6 Tips For Becoming A Juicing Pro

by James Colquhoun Jul 16, 2018 1.9K Views

Juicing shouldn’t replace the intake of beautiful vegetables and fruits in your diet but when you are on a mission to feel your best and get as much nutrition as possible, it’s a heck of a way to add in more of the good stuff. Follow our 6 tips to juice like a pro!


Bayer Set To Buy Monsanto - What It Means For You

by James Colquhoun Jun 11, 2016 11K Views

German pharmaceutical, plastics and farm chemical company ‘Bayer’ has plans to takeover American multinational and agricultural biotechnology company ‘Monsanto’. If this merge goes ahead, it is estimated together they would account for approximately 28 percent of worldwide sales of herbicides and pesticides. This article discusses what it would mean for you if the merge goes ahead.


Love, Eat, Pray: Techniques To Help You Eat Mindfully

by Sandi Louise Ross Oct 17, 2015 766 Views

When did we become so busy that we forgot to chew our food? The modern pace of life has us sitting in front of a computer eating our lunch, while we multi-task between our emails and our Facebook. Sound like you? Read on.


What If Pasta Could Be Healthy?

by James Colquhoun Apr 20, 2016 5.0K Views

Pasta was used as a healthy staple food throughout Europe for centuries. However, modern tummies seem to struggle with this delicious product! Thankfully, there are nutritious alternatives that are easy on digestion, easy to use and totally tasty as well!


Foods To Support Skin Through Changes In Season

by Tess Patrick May 19, 2020 2.5K Views

How incredible is our skin? It’s our largest organ and often a wonderful indicator of what may be going on in our insides. Hormonal imbalances, gut issues, dehydration… It all shows up in our skin. And like any health concerns that arise in our body, the right foods can be the most powerful medicine...


How Ayurveda Can Help You Heal

by Chara Caruthers Apr 13, 2019 1.1K Views

The word is out about Ayurveda! And like yoga and meditation, it’s fast becoming the darling of the health and wellness world. I’ve waited years to hear what students, friends and even random strangers are now telling me every week… “it really speaks to me”, “it’s so simple”, “it just makes sense”. But the most beautiful part about this ancient wisdom stepping into our lives and consciousness is the fact that it’s been here… all along, just waiting for us to catch up.


Depression: Detox Outweighs Drugs

Jun 22, 2010 4.5K Views

With 10% of the US population on drugs for depression you've got to wonder what's making people so miserable? This article looks into the common chemicals we are exposed to in our daily lives and how we would feel if we made a concerted effort to remove those poisons from our bodies.


Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies Impacting Your Energy & Mood

by James Colquhoun Oct 11, 2021 2.1K Views

Dizziness, low energy, fatigue, headaches… These are all common signs that your body is telling you it needs more of a certain nutrient so it can keep you healthy. Here are the top 3 of the most common nutrient deficiencies (& quick tips on how to fix them).


What's Really In Your Hamburger?

Dec 03, 2011 5.7K Views

There are 14 billion hamburgers consumed each year in the United States alone. If this is your favorite meal, you need to be aware that the FDA has allowed them to be contaminated with E-coli and chicken feces.


8 Tips To Help You Eat Healthy On A Budget

by Stephanie Weeks Jun 13, 2015 947 Views

We may have the idea that it is easy and cheap to eat on the go at fast food restaurants. It's not. It is less expensive to invest in healthy, nutritious food. We've got 8 tips to show you how!

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