
Health Benefits Of Relaxation & 10 Quick Ways To Bring More Calm Into Your Life

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 03, 2016 16K Views

While it’s easy to worry about the health consequences of chronic stress, it’s also helpful to focus on the marvellous health benefits of relaxation! Find out why feeling relaxed does wonders for your body and ten quick tips to bring more calm into your life.


How To Avoid Toxic Cleaning Chemicals!

Apr 06, 2014 2.5K Views

Did you know the average American home contains between 3-10 gallons of toxic household cleaning products in their home? That's a whole lot of harmful substances and environmentally damaging material! Discover what the worst offenders are, and what the best natural DIY items are to use for your annual spring-clean.


Dieting Trends: Fasting, Keto, Paleo... Have Your Questions Answered!

by James Colquhoun May 15, 2021 12K Views

Our biochemical individuality means not all diets are created equal, what works for your friend may not work for you. We discuss the pros and cons of the top trending diets; keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, pegan, Mediterranean, Whole30, and raw; to help you live your healthiest life.


37 Smart Uses Of Salt For Non-Toxic Cleaning Purposes

Nov 14, 2011 56K Views

Did you know that ordinary salt could be used for cleaning? We may not necessarily be using it to preserve food anymore but here are just a few of the many ways you can put salt to good use in your home.


The Most Toxic Fish That You Should Avoid

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 27, 2016 36K Views

You’ve probably heard that fish is an good source of healthy omega 3 fats. Yet you might have also heard that fish can be high in mercury. Find out how to get the benefits of fish without the risks!


10 Tips On Finding Peace In A Noisy World

by James Colquhoun Dec 20, 2009 1.2K Views

Noise is a constant companion to our busy lives but have you ever considered how it may be effecting your health? Learn simple steps you can take today to reduce this insidious stress...


6 Natural Ways To Get Glowing Skin & Fix Acne

by Nat Kringoudis Oct 04, 2015 12K Views

We are all searching for glowing skin! It can be tricky to achieve, but there are a few things you might be missing when you are trying to reach your goal!


How I Felt After This Traditional Middle Eastern Healing Ritual

by Kristen Fabrizio May 23, 2019 939 Views

Heading to the spa is always a treat and having enjoyed sauna and massage treatments in the past I thought I’d branch out and give a Hammam experience a try. I expected to simply relax and enjoy a little time out but what I experienced and the results that followed were nothing short of amazing.


Nutritional Therapy Successfully Used To Reverse MS

Feb 10, 2013 12K Views

MS is a chronic degenerative disease that until now, has left sufferers with little hope of a full recovery. New research is now showing that certain foods and nutrients are beneficial in reversing and preventing the development of this disease.


Is It A Urinary Tract Infection Or Something More?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 12, 2017 16K Views

Ladies, pass this on! Every woman should be aware of these potential signs of a UTI.

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