
12 Of Your Favorite Fast Foods and Unhealthy Treats Made Healthy!

by James Colquhoun Jul 29, 2015 6.7K Views

Struggling to find healthy fast food swaps? Try these delicious options! We guarantee you will love them just as much as the originals!


Dr Vandana Shiva Speaks Out For Mother Nature

Nov 08, 2010 134 Views

Dr Vandana Shiva, winner of the 2010 Sydney Peace prize says: "two billion people suffer food-related diseases - obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cancers." Her approach: Clean up our systems of food production, water and soil. Brilliant!


Blenders At The Ready

Mar 22, 2014 618 Views

Do you feel tired lately and uninspired for healthy breakfast ideas? Discover why blending your vegetables for breakfast might be just what you need for a morning pick-me-up and two delicious smoothie recipes that will have you wondering if there are even veggies in them, because they taste so darn good!


7 Tips You Need After A Day of Sitting Still

by Stephanie Weeks Nov 09, 2017 6.8K Views

Sitting could be the death of us all if we don’t take a stand! If you’re sitting for long periods of the day, these tips could save your life.


6 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera + 3 Simple Ways to Use It

by Nicole Fuge Jun 03, 2019 5.6K Views

Aloe vera is a popular home remedy for sunburn, but it also has many other health benefits such as healing cold sores and wounds, treating constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, and relieving skin conditions.


When A Microwave Is Running, You Should Be Too!

May 25, 2014 2.1K Views

Over 90% of U.S. homes are still using their microwave oven despite knowing the facts about them irradiating food, destroying nutrition and being a hazard to your health… Discover the research that many don’t know about these “nukers”.


5 Caffeine-Free Fatigue Fighters To Pep You Up Instantly

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 27, 2017 25K Views

Tired? Low on energy? Here are a few amazing foods which are renowned for their ability to fight fatigue by providing a natural, caffeine-free boost of energy.


8 Simple Steps To A More Blissful Life

by Ange Simson Feb 07, 2015 7.4K Views

Gratitude, right? It's more than just saying thank you when someone picks up the bill. Here are 8 simple tips to show more gratitude in your daily life.


The Mineral Deficiency That Can Halt A Detox

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 18, 2018 18K Views

Detoxing your body every now and then is a healthy habit. But there’s one mineral deficiency that could be hindering the effectiveness of your detox. Here’s how to reverse it.


5 Easy Ways To Reduce Inflammation

by Ronald Goedeke Jan 03, 2016 9.7K Views

Inflammation in the body is linked to a range of chronic diseases. Reduce your risk, and calm inflammation naturally with these tips.

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