
9 Longevity Hacks with Gregg Braden

by James Colquhoun Feb 23, 2020 5.1K Views

How wonderful would it be to live a life in an abundance of health, without fear of illness or death, for as long as we dreamed of? It seemed impossible until I dived head-first into the world of Gregg Braden. Armed with his knowledge, now almost anything seems possible. Learning the laws of longevity is great, but putting it into practice is a whole new story.


12 Essential Oils for Mother’s Day

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 02, 2018 2.0K Views

You’ve probably heard from your friends, family, or even seen on social media, that essential oils are now a part of everyday life. What exactly can essential oils be used for? How do I use them? Watch this video with Essential Oil Expert to learn more!


Awaken Your Yoga Senses

by Ashley Aiken-Redon Jan 21, 2016 3.2K Views

Are you ready to balance your nervous system, find inner stillness, heal wounds at their deepest and connect with your own divine creative power?


How Ayurveda Can Help You Heal

by Chara Caruthers Apr 13, 2019 1.1K Views

The word is out about Ayurveda! And like yoga and meditation, it’s fast becoming the darling of the health and wellness world. I’ve waited years to hear what students, friends and even random strangers are now telling me every week… “it really speaks to me”, “it’s so simple”, “it just makes sense”. But the most beautiful part about this ancient wisdom stepping into our lives and consciousness is the fact that it’s been here… all along, just waiting for us to catch up.


The Amazing Second Brain In Your Gut

by Shannon Harvey Nov 08, 2015 2.6K Views

I come from a long line of women who suffer from a terrible affliction called the hangries. Symptoms include spontaneous bursts of irrational behaviour and sudden flashes of outrage, exasperation and impatience.


Wellness Rituals We’ll Never Quit in 2020

by James Colquhoun Dec 28, 2019 1.8K Views

With 2020 being the year of happening on good habits, there’s a handful of wellness practices we’re not ready to kiss goodbye to anytime soon.


6 Simple Rituals for Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

by Tess Patrick Jun 09, 2020 2.1K Views

How often do you feel you are burning your candle at both ends? That no matter how hard you try to destress or what boundaries you set, the to-do list gets longer and you find it harder to catch your breath?


Are You Maximizing Your Yoga Practice?

by Emily Spurling Mar 26, 2018 1.2K Views

Since becoming a mother, I began to play with my favorite yoga poses and adapted them to ft the HIIT mold maintaining the Yoga ethos. After practicing this way for 6 months I was fitter than I had ever been in my entire life.


5 Natural Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain at Home

by Kay Carter May 29, 2019 1.9K Views

Chronic pain typically goes on for over twelve weeks and can lead to other health complications if left unmitigated. While taking medication may help alleviate pain for a short period, there are other natural remedies that can offer more than just quick relief. Here are five natural ways to reduce chronic pain at home.


How to Better Handle Disasters by Shifting Our Perspective with Kat Finnerty

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 18, 2022 55 Views

If you knew the quality of your thoughts could affect your reality, would you choose to think differently? It is amazing to consider that you could have more power than you think when it comes to your experiences. In the episode, Kat Finnerty discusses the connection between the quality of your thoughts and your personal experiences.

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