
Are You Still Using Plastic Bags? #BanTheBag

by Laurentine ten Bosch Sep 11, 2017 1.8K Views

The Queensland government has just passed legislation to ban retailers from supplying light-weight, plastic shopping bags. Why is this important? And how will it affect your life?


7 Moisturizing Mistakes That Quickly Age Your Skin

by Annmarie Skin Care Jan 13, 2019 16K Views

What could be simpler than moisturizer? You just slap it on, rub it in, and sit back and expect more hydrated, radiant skin, right?


Mainstream Media Has Got It Wrong When It Comes To The Power Of Vitamins

Jan 26, 2014 220 Views

Recently there have been many reports from the media saying that vitamins are worthless and don't prevent health issues from arising. However, they couldn't be further from the truth! Discover how these findings were falsified and the types of vitamins that hold more healing power than pharmaceutical drugs.


What Can We Learn From The Diets of Traditional People From Around the World? (VIDEO)

May 25, 2011 116 Views

What did the longest lived primitive people eat and what didn't they eat? This is an amazing story of the great nutrition pioneers: Weston A. Price, DDS and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD


Permaculture: Humanity's Best Hope For Survival?

by Renae Redgen Apr 13, 2017 4.4K Views

What is permaculture? How would it affect your food security? And can a sustainable, localized production model of agriculture really provide a viable alternative to some of the large-scale practices upon which we currently rely?


5 Recipes For a Healthy Start to 2011

by James Colquhoun Jan 03, 2011 336 Views

Looking to start 2011 in a healthy way? Why not try some of these delicious recipes for boosted energy, mental clarity and a more healthier you.


7 Natural Ways to Fight Autoimmune Disease

by James Colquhoun Jan 27, 2021 12K Views

Autoimmune conditions are varied and each requires a delicate, individualized approach, but there are some tips that work across the board to help counter the strain it places on our body. From my experience and observations in the industry, these are the top 7 natural ways to fight autoimmune disease.


Hydration Is Key To Happy, Healthy Cells

by Dr. Libby Weaver May 04, 2015 6.2K Views

Water is the basis of all life and that includes your body. So if your body is in a dehydrated state, this will even complicate the uptake of nutrients. Learn the science behind hydration and how easy it is to create hydrated, and healthy cells!


9 Herbs & Spices That Fight Inflammation

by James Colquhoun Jun 14, 2016 12K Views

Herbs and spices can play a vital role in reducing inflammation in the body and increasing our nutrition. Discover how you can incorporate easy-to-find herbs and spices into your everyday diet and reap the benefits.


6 Healing Benefits Of Probiotics

May 16, 2012 153K Views

After years of bad eating habits that left your gut inflamed and irritated, start treating your digestive system right! Start with this natural gut-healing recipe that uses the power of these whole foods to beat inflammation.

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