
The Hormone-Balancing Food Plan For Women

Aug 04, 2011 80K Views

If you’re experiencing these common symptoms, you’re probably overdue to make this change to your eating habits.


What Causes Fibromyalgia And Is There A Cure?

by James Colquhoun Jul 27, 2016 44K Views

Fibromyalgia affects almost 50 million Americans, yet there is so much that we are constantly discovering about this complex condition. Uncover the latest research and find out what experts are recommending help manage Fibromyalgia, naturally!


Butter vs. Margarine (Plus 10 Healthy Fats We Love!)

Jul 28, 2013 5.0K Views

Do you wonder whether you should be buying butter, margarine or something different altogether? While we know it's a slippery debate and your doctors may have told you that butter is high in saturated fats and not good for you, you may want to think twice. Plus discover 10 healthy fats we love!


10 Simple Ways To Spring Clean Your Eating Habits

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jul 13, 2016 5.4K Views

Humans are creatures of habit and usually, small changes are easier to master than big overwhelming goals! Discover 10 simple steps that you can slowly introduce to ‘spring clean’ your eating habits!


How To Be A Conscious Consumer

by James Colquhoun Dec 20, 2016 2.3K Views

Discover the damage our current food supply is doing to our health and the environment and how we can become more conscious consumers with just a few simple changes!


Why Is McDonald’s Sponsoring The Olympics?

by Ashleigh Jensen Aug 18, 2016 8.5K Views

McDonald's and Coca-Cola are two of the Olympic games’ biggest sponsors. Not only does McDonalds sponsor the Olympics, they also support individual athletes and local sporting teams. A fast-food company partnering with a sporting event seems like an unlikely match. Let’s look at why these partnerships exist and where there’s room for healthy improvements!


7 Natural Ways To Prevent Cavities

by Honey Colony May 29, 2016 149K Views

The tooth fairy isn’t the biggest myth when it comes to teeth—it’s the widespread misconception that cavities and tooth decay are irreversible. Try out these 7 natural ways to heal cavities!


What Is Your Skin Trying To Tell You

by Annmarie Skin Care May 28, 2020 227K Views

Stop ignoring acne- your face can tell you how healthy your body is. Instead of covering pimples up with makeup, learn how to find out if the real problem is your liver, your hormones or something else.


6 Unusual Ways to Heal The Gut

by James Colquhoun Aug 28, 2018 4.7K Views

As most of our Food Matters friends would know, we’re huge advocates for a healthy gut and the prosperous health benefits it brings – but what you might not know are the ways in which you can heal your gut naturally. In this article, we will navigate our way through the intestinal tract to discover what makes our gut tick and 6 natural alternatives to keep us happy and healthy.


How to Naturally Strengthen Your Bones

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jul 01, 2018 4.0K Views

For many, bone density holds cause for concern - almost 1 million Australians to be exact – and the lingering diagnosis of osteoporosis is a name none of us want to hear.  Whether you are in your teens or enjoying your golden years, there are natural steps you can take to support greater bone health.

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