
8 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

by James Colquhoun Aug 24, 2015 9.7K Views

Apple cider vinegar is extremely popular with health experts and for good reason! It’s definitely not just a salad dressing. Here’s 8 benefits of apple cider vinegar you probably don’t know about!


What Your Face Is Telling You About Your Health

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 24, 2016 144K Views

Have you ever wondered what your face is telling you about your health? Discover what signs your skin is showing and how you can bring back that radiantly healthy glow


10 Of The Best Greens To Eat

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 11, 2020 22K Views

Leafy green vegetables are truly nutritional superstars, offering whole-of-body benefits to cleanse, nourish and supercharge your health. From kale to spinach, and all the greens in between, here's your go-to guide on the Top 10 greens to include in your diet and why they are so good for you!


6 foods too cruel to eat

Apr 13, 2015 5.4K Views

We highlight 6 of the most inhumane foods ever created and how you can help stop the cruelty.


10 Anti-fungal Herbs To Help Beat Candida

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 14, 2016 79K Views

Try these 10 herbal remedies for restoring balance caused by candida albicans or yeast overgrowth. These lesser known, potent anti-fungals are all natural and just as effective at treating yeast overgrowth.


7 Things Healthy People Do Before Bed

by James Colquhoun Feb 24, 2015 23K Views

Your evening won’t feel complete without these rituals.


9 Ways That Reishi Mushrooms Boost Your Health

by Honey Colony May 06, 2016 1.5K Views

For over 2,000 years, reishi mushrooms have been an integral ingredient in Chinese medicine. Believed to be a key to immortality, only the elite were once allowed to utilize its natural healing power. Here are 9 ways reishi can boost your health in ways you could never imagine!


How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories (Free Expert Interview)

by Dr. Libby Weaver May 05, 2018 8.8K Views

For too many people, it doesn’t seem to matter what they eat or how much exercise they do, their clothes just seem to keep getting tighter. But weight loss is as simple as burning more energy than the calories you consume, right? Well, unfortunately it’s not as simple as that.


How to Maintain A Healthy Colon

by James Colquhoun Nov 23, 2009 2.8K Views

Optimal health is intrinsically linked with a healthy colon. Read about the simple and effective dietary measures you can take today to reclaim vitality!


What We’re Reading: 7 Best Health & Wellness Books in 2021

by Tess Patrick Feb 25, 2021 2.3K Views

Remember that New Year’s Resolution to read more books this year? Now’s the time to make sure you’re making good on it. At Food Matters, we love to read, so here are the 7 best health and wellness books that are topping our 2021 list.

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