
How To Live Naturally In A Modern Society (Daniel Vitalis Q & A)

by James Colquhoun Mar 22, 2016 915 Views

Gain a deeper insight into Daniel Vitalis' rewild yourself philosophy and pick up some tips for living naturally in today's modern society


Chocolate CAN Be Good For You, At The Right Dose!

Aug 28, 2012 32K Views

There's always been a lot of confusion about chocolate - what type to eat, how much, types to avoid, etc. There are a lot of health benefits associated with the cacao bean. Find out what Dr. Mercola has to say about chocolate.


Food allergies - is there a natural cure?

Jul 06, 2009 7.6K Views

Phillip Day, as featured in Food Matters, explains how allergies are a result of the histamine inflammatory system and discusses the various natural treatments available to you.


The Link Between Gut Health And Healthy Digestion - Plus A Simple Sauerkraut Recipe!

Dec 08, 2012 1.5K Views

Your gut health plays a major role in determining the optimal health and functioning of your digestive tract. Learn here how to correct three common digestive ailments plus enjoy a simple fermented food recipe rich in probiotic cultures!


Natural Steps I Took To Help My Son With Down Syndrome

by Kristen Morrison Jun 08, 2016 6.6K Views

Kristen Morrison explains how she made the shift to natural therapies and alternative interventions after her third-born child was born with Down Syndrome. Kristen shares how her experience has made her realize that any child has the potential to be fit, strong, literate, healthy and intellectually vibrant.


10 Common Foods That Make You Bloat

by Lee Holmes Sep 02, 2018 79K Views

If your pants fit you in the morning, but not in the afternoon, try eliminating these common bloat triggers.


9 Reasons to Eat More Plant-Based Foods in 2020

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 14, 2020 13K Views

Whether you want to reduce the level of meat in your diet or go vegan, there are many benefits for having more plants and less meat for your health, the environment, animals and society as a whole. Here's the motivation you need.


Are You Chronically Dehydrated

Apr 22, 2009 49K Views

"Chronic pains of the body which cannot easily be explained as injury or infection, should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area where the pain is registered..."


How To Get Your Kids In The Garden

Mar 15, 2010 479 Views

Good health begins with good food... and good food begins in the garden! Sharing this important and satisfying skill with your children will lay the foundation for their happier, healthier futures. This is also a must-read for any parent who wants to bond more deeply with their little ones...


Are Multivitamins Worth It? Our Latest Take On It...

by James Colquhoun Nov 15, 2016 24K Views

Confused by differing expert opinions and unsure whether “To Supplement” or “Not To Supplement”? Catch up on what’s happening on both sides of the vitamin debate and find out what we do at Food Matters!

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