Wellness guide

How To De-Stress Naturally And Get Better Sleep


In a society that glorifies business, it is no surprise that a majority of people now report feeling stressed and having trouble sleeping on a daily basis. Although stress is often unavoidable, there are a number of natural remedies which can help to reduce the impact that stress has on our health.


Sleep-Promoting Evening Shake

by Rachel Morrow Jul 18, 2017 77K Views

The right pre-bedtime snack can help you sleep more soundly and wake up feeling fully energized. Here’s how to blend up a tasty glass for a good night’s sleep.


Sleep Science: 7 Secrets to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

by James Colquhoun Jun 25, 2017 17K Views

Sleeplessness can literally make you sick. Find out what unexpected causes might be disturbing your sleep and what to do to get a good night’s rest.


4 Drinks To Help You Sleep Better

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jul 15, 2020 22K Views

Going to bed early is often done with good intentions, but if you find yourself tossing and turning with a mind that runs a million miles an hour, it might be a sign that you’re not winding down as much as you need to. Begin by implementing a bedtime ritual; where a good tonic should become a staple in your new routine.


Yoga for Sleep: 10 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better Tonight

by Brett Larkin Jan 23, 2020 9.0K Views

How did you sleep last night? Was it restful, delicious, and stuff that dreams are made of (literally)? Or was it fitful, filled with waking periods, and left you wanting more? Before popping a sedative, which can alter your mood and ability to concentrate for days after taking it, it’s best to first take a look at your daily habits.


This Meditation Technique Transformed My Sleep

by Tom Cronin May 03, 2020 3.9K Views

In this short meditation, Tom Cronin guides you through a perfect 'before rest' meditation that will dissolve any mental activity and take you into a deep, restful sleep.


When Sleep is Elusive: Getting Quality Rest

by Dr. Libby Weaver Jul 24, 2017 13K Views

Poor sleep could cause inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, and more. Try these 3 natural remedies to start sleeping properly again.


7 Natural Supplements for Sleep and Their Uses

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 29, 2020 2.2K Views

Sleeping habits, lifestyle choices and medical conditions can all contribute to sleeplessness. If you are searching for a little extra help to nod off or sleep through the night, you can try these natural supplements.


Struggling With Sleep & Still Fatigued? Try This Mineral

by James Colquhoun Oct 19, 2021 2.2K Views

You’re not the only one struggling with energy right now. But just because it’s common, it doesn’t mean we should accept it as the new norm. Sleep difficulties like insomnia, and endless fatigue and low energy are all telltale signs that you could be low in magnesium.


4 Common Signs That You Need More Sleep

by Maya Novak Feb 02, 2017 9.9K Views

Sleep is something almost everyone could do with more of, right!? Are you not sure how much sleep you need? This article explains the common signs that you are in need of more sleep.

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