Elissa Goodman

As a Holistic Nutritionist and the creator of two of the most sought after cleanse programs in LA (at Cafe Gratitude and M Cafe), I’ve worked with many individuals, probably a lot like you, who were deeply ready to transform their bodies – but simply didn’t have the nutritional knowledge to match their desire to be fit. After winning my battle with cancer by cleansing my own body, I’ve committed my life to helping others cleanse their toxins and to live confidently inside a healthy body that is possible for anyone. Aside from the physical results, my “Elissa Goodman Guarantee” is that by the end of my program you will defeat your sugar, caffeine and carb cravings – feeling energized and excited to be alive!

My Articles

Natural Therapies

10 Natural Immunity Essentials

Elissa Goodman Elissa Goodman

Seasonal changes, aging, and stresses of the holidays can suppress your immune system and leave you depleted. Here’s how you can boost your immunity …

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Health Tips

Digestion Juice Recipe (And The Importance Of Gut Health)

Elissa Goodman Elissa Goodman

Did you know that every single cell in your body is connected to you gut health? Juicing can be a great tool to help …

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My Recipes