
Jodi Chapman

Jodi Chapman BHSc, Naturopath, speaker, author, and mentor with over a decade in practice, has a special interest in mental health disorders such as conditions related to depression, anxiety, behavior and learning disorders, insomnia, adrenal stress and fatigue, a digestive and autoimmune disease. Jodi has trained in Naturopathy, Nutritional …


4 Drinks To Help You Sleep Better

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jul 15, 2020 22K Views

Going to bed early is often done with good intentions, but if you find yourself tossing and turning with a mind that runs a million miles an hour, it might be a sign that you’re not winding down as much as you need to. Begin by implementing a bedtime ritual; where a good tonic should become a staple in your new routine.


Did You Sit At The Desk All Day? Unwind With These 3 Yoga Classes

by Ivette Rieksts Mar 21, 2017 4.2K Views

Our current lifestyles involve working hunched over desks, computers, and devices, which cause us to hold a lot of tightness in our chests and shoulders. Take some time for you today and unwind those tense shoulders with an FMTV yoga class crafted to help you alleviate the stress from the day.


Positive Stories To Make You Feel Good

by Tess Patrick Jun 04, 2020 782 Views

Amid a global pandemic and widespread, valid anger and tension, it seems nearly impossible to find the good news in it all. Food Matters has always strived been a beacon of hope, and support - and we know that our bodies cannot be healthy while our minds are under such stress...


Staring At A Screen All Day? Here Are 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Eyes

by Rachel Morrow Jun 02, 2018 1.8K Views

Our eyes are pretty amazing organs. We get to witness the outside world with them. We are living in a world where our digital screen time and lifestyle is slowing down our eye's efficiency due to continuous stress. Learn 3 things we are doing daily to help protect our eyes.


Set Yourself up for Success with These Healthy Meal Prep Hacks

by Tess Patrick Jun 20, 2021 2.7K Views

Sure, meal prep takes a little time out of my Sunday routine, but it’s saved me that time (and more) throughout the week as I stress less about foods and actually enjoy my evenings. But before I show you how to set yourself up for success with these healthy meal prep hacks, you should know...


6 Underlying Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

by Vanessa Lamaro Nov 03, 2021 300 Views

Have you been feeling low lately? Maybe you’re lacking energy, or experiencing more mood swings than usual. You might even be struggling with getting a good night’s sleep or regulating your stress levels. It’s easy to let these symptoms slide, but these are all actually common signs that you may be experiencing hormonal imbalance.


Healing Benefits of EFT Tapping: The Exercise to Reduce Anxiety with Dawson Church

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jun 04, 2024 618 Views

In a world where we are faced with daily stress and anxiety, finding solace can feel like an endless pursuit. What if there was a transformative practice that could offer relief? Join us in this eye-opening episode as we delve into the healing potential of EFT tapping with the esteemed Dawson Church. Uncover how this powerful exercise doesn't just alleviate anxiety but profoundly enhances overall well-being.


Raw Peppermint Patties

by Rachel Morrow Jan 16, 2018 4.5K Views

Raise your hand if you love Peppermint Patties! We’ve recreated a Food Matters approved version that is just as tasty as store bought!


Best Detox Retreats Around The World

Feb 23, 2018 20K Views

Would you like to lose a few kilos, increase your fitness, give your liver a break, de-stress or simply have some "me" time? Find out what we consider the best detox retreats around the world that pride themselves on amazing food, great results and personalized care. Why not make your next holiday a healthy one!

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