
Enhancing Human Performance with Plant Medicine

by James Colquhoun May 14, 2020 1.7K Views

If you knew you could easily and effectively enhance your mood, energy levels, and brainpower, what would it take for you to do it? In Episode 4 of Transcendence Season 2, Dave shares his journey with coffee; the drink that was giving him headaches, energy highs & slumps, and was slowly contributing to the range of health concerns he didn’t know were happening to his body.


5 Recipes For a Healthy Start to 2011

by James Colquhoun Jan 03, 2011 336 Views

Looking to start 2011 in a healthy way? Why not try some of these delicious recipes for boosted energy, mental clarity and a more healthier you.


14 Ridiculously Good Reasons To Eat Cacao!

by James Colquhoun Oct 27, 2015 50K Views

Craving chocolate? Eating it like this instead of buying those over-processed popular brands can satisfy your sweet tooth and protect your health.


How To Keep Your Kids Happy, Busy, and Healthy when School Closes

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 23, 2020 869 Views

The prospect of schools closing is a daunting one for many parents, but we can choose to see this as an opportunity to spend time with our children and provide them with a holistic education.


10 Quick and Easy Ways to Eat Your Greens!

by James Colquhoun Oct 30, 2018 19K Views

We know they're good for us, but some days it can be harder than others to get our greens in! We've come up with 10 fun and easy ways for you to add more greens in, even when life gets crazy!


Magnesium Boosting Smoothie

by Rachel Morrow Nov 01, 2017 21K Views

Drinking this after your workout will help to recharge your energy stores and assist with muscle recovery with healthy fats, protein, and magnesium.


Ross Bridgeford

Ross is the founder of liveenergized.com, the author of two Alkaline Diet Recipe Books and the creator of the Alkaline Reset Cleanse. His mission is to help you nourish your body, unleash the energy within you and to give you everything you need to live with the vitality, passion …


3 Recipes On Our Christmas Menu

by James Colquhoun Dec 22, 2014 338 Views

As foodies, menu planning has to be one of our favorite things to do at this time of the year! These recipes are simple to make, nourishing for the whole family and one of them even makes a great DIY last-minute gift!


15 Ways To Pack More Protein Into Your Diet

Nov 25, 2016 16K Views

Do you know how much protein your body requires per day? Do you know if you’re getting enough? Click here to find out how you can increase your protein intake.


How to Make Exercise Fit Into Your Workday

by Marianne Wells Jan 20, 2018 2.2K Views

For many professionals, sitting during the day is inevitable. So, how can you control your risk? Here are some suggestions as to how you can be more active during the workday.

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