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What Water Filter Should I Be Using?


Have you ever wondered how safe your tap water is or been turned off by its after taste? American tap water contains several contaminants …

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Growing Your Own Food is Like Printing Your Own Money (Video)


In this moving and heartwarming TED Talk, listen to Ron Finley (the guerilla gardener) share his experience about why he started planting urban gardens …

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12 Mind Blowing Ways To Use Olive Oil That Nobody Ever Told You About


You probably haven’t realized just how much money you can save by using olive oil. Check out these great uses for just one single …

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Companion Planting For Natural Pest Control

56K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Organic gardening is safe, healthier and doesn't harm the environment, but many of us are unaware of the natural methods plants use to work …

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How Cordless Phones, Wi-Fi and Other Electromagnetic Radiation Can Cause Cancer


Many people are not aware of the increased cancer risk that cell phone towers, cordless phones and WiFi routers pose. EMR is all around …

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37 Smart Uses Of Salt For Non-Toxic Cleaning Purposes


Did you know that ordinary salt could be used for cleaning? We may not necessarily be using it to preserve food anymore but here …

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How To Find Safe Drinking Water For Your Family


Do you often wonder what is the best water to drink? Do you spend lots of money on bottled water? This article and video …

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Cats and Dogs - What Do You Feed Them?


Much of the so-called 'healthy pet foods' on the market contain inferior meat meals, cheap grains like corn and soy, fillers, by-products, food coloring, …

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How to Have a 'Living' Christmas

430 Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

This year we're having a 'living Christmas' and for those of you who'd like to do the same we're sharing some of our traditions …

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Harmonize Your Home


Is life not flowing your way? Why not start by cleansing your home. Creating harmony in our inner environment will gradually create harmony in …

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