

Give Your Gut A Hug With Fermented Foods

24K Views Dr. Libby Weaver Dr. Libby Weaver

When it comes to understanding the role of bacteria in our health, consider this - we are actually more bacteria than we are human.

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This Potent Berry Is A Powerful Immune Booster!

7.9K Views Dr. Kevin Curran Dr. Kevin Curran

Discover the benefits of this powerful berry and how it can majorly boost your immune system!

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Fermenting Tips From Sandorkraut

4.2K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Sandor Katz is the fermentation revivalist of the U.S., if not the world! He is best known as Sandorkraut and is the master of …

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A Beginners Guide To Bone Broth

8.4K Views Sarah Hawthorne Sarah Hawthorne

Bone broth is all the rage these days in the world of nutrition and natural healthcare. Here is a beginners guide to better help …

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Your Complete Guide of Paleo Flours

4.7K Views Miranda Ebner Miranda Ebner

If you eat within the Paleo realm, you're probably already an expert on almond flour and coconut flour, but what about cassava, chestnut and …

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6 Foods You Should Add To Your Smoothie (That Aren't Green!)

33K Views Cyndi O'Meara Cyndi O'Meara

Smoothies don't always have to be green to be nutrient dense. The sky is the limit when it comes to smoothies! Here are 6 …

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5 Turmeric Benefits and Delicious Ways to Use It

48K Views Dr. B.J. Hardick Dr. B.J. Hardick

Turmeric is one of the most powerful spices for your health, so who wouldn’t want to have more of it? Here are some great …

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Should You Activate Your Nuts And Seeds?

22K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

We all know how good nuts and seeds are for you, but are you getting everything out of them that you should be? Here’s …

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33 Household Products You Can Replace With a Single Jar of Coconut Oil

85K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Coconut oil has so many uses! You can use it in your hair, for beauty, for health, on your skin, for cooking and even …

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Yerba Mate VS. Green Tea

10K Views Matthew Oliphant Matthew Oliphant

Yerba Mate or Green tea? Which one is best? Find out.

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