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Health Tips

What Your Face Is Telling You About Your Health

341K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Have you ever wondered what your face is telling you about your health? Discover what signs your skin is showing and how you can …

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Health Hazards

How To Protect Yourself From EMF Radiation

13K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Whilst technology may offer some amazing benefits, it has also lead to public health concerns by experts because of EMF radiation. Find out what …

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Slouching? Improve Your Posture With 5 Easy Moves

11K Views Kelly Carthy Kelly Carthy

Improve your posture with these 5 easy moves and feel the total body benefits in no time. Slouching? Not today.

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Health Hazards

Should You Be Concerned About Goitrogens?

19K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Slow metabolism? Thyroid issues? Find out if you should limit your intake of foods containing goitrogens to improve your metabolism and thyroid health.

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Health Tips

Everything You Need To Know About Gut Health (Infographic)

99K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

This infographic breaks down just what our gut does for us and how to keep it working and healthy.

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Health Tips

A New Cause Of Lyme Disease Discovered!


There's a new Borrelia bacterium on the block, joining its cousin in causing Lyme disease. B. mayonii has recently been identified as a new …

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Health Tips

Eating Organic On A Budget. It’s Possible!

6.8K Views Collin McShirley Collin McShirley

It doesn’t have to be expensive to eat organic. Discover how you can eat the most delicious and nutritious produce without blowing your budget

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Health Tips

10 Fat Facts You Need To Know

14K Views Dr. Mark Hyman Dr. Mark Hyman

Discover 10 facts about fat from Dr Mark Hyman that show you how fat can help you to stay slim and be as healthy …

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The Top Films To Uncover Your Life’s Purpose

12K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We’ve picked the best transformative and go-getting films to help you light up that spark within and bring to life all your dreams, happiness …

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