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Awaken Your Yoga Senses

5.4K Views Ashley Aiken-Redon Ashley Aiken-Redon

Are you ready to balance your nervous system, find inner stillness, heal wounds at their deepest and connect with your own divine creative power?

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Healthy Home

10 Unexpected Items To Put On Your Next Grocery List! (And What To Do With Them!)

17K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Discover some fascinating uses for these 10 unexpected grocery items that can make your life healthier!

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Health Hazards

8 Snacks That Aren’t As Healthy As You Think

64K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Is that snack healthy? Discover some healthy snacks that are actually more of a treat!

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Health Tips

Simplest Health Tip Ever: Detox Daily With This Juice Shot

19K Views The Chalkboard Mag The Chalkboard Mag

Whether you've come down with the latest bug or simply want to add a boost to your juice cleanse, here is a great recipe …

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Top Detox Films Of All Time

19K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We’ve collated the top ten detox films of all time that will get you in the ‘know’ about all things; cleansing, juicing, fasting and …

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15 Healthy Snacks You Can Make In A Mug

67K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Looking for a delicious snack or dessert that’s quick and easy to make and will nourish your body? Then look no further! Here are …

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37K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

The health and wellness trends of 2016 according to the Food Matters team! Do you agree?

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Health Tips

The Highest Antioxidant Foods to Eat During Winter (It's Not What You Think!)

24K Views Miranda Ebner Miranda Ebner

Check out these powerful high antioxidant foods you can enjoy during the winter season!

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That Post-Lunch Slump: Why Do I Feel So Tired After Eating?

20K Views Dr. Libby Weaver Dr. Libby Weaver

Food is designed to energize us, right? Yet why is it that so many people feel a post-lunch slump?

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10 Reasons To Add Chia Seeds Into Your Diet

64K Views Cyndi O'Meara Cyndi O'Meara

Don’t be fooled by their size! These mini superfoods pack a punch for your blood pressure, digestion and more.

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