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Healthy Home

10 Brilliant Ways to Reduce Food Waste Daily

1.7K Views The Chalkboard Mag The Chalkboard Mag

If you’re interested in living a low waste lifestyle, the best place to start is your kitchen. We waste food every day, but there …

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Health Tips

5 Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals You Should Avoid

3.9K Views Mukti Organics Mukti Organics

If you knew you were applying chemicals to your body that were interfering with your hormones, would you continue to do so? Highly likely …

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5 Powerful Healing Benefits of Celery Juice

296K Views Olivia Budgen Olivia Budgen

Did you know that pure celery juice has unique regenerating and healing properties? Here are 5 healing benefits of pure celery juice.

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Health Tips

Did You Know You Can Treat Diabetes by Addressing What You Eat?

1.7K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Diabetes, specifically, is one of the largest, silent killers that is fast approaching epidemic proportions globally – but are there ways we can stop …

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Health Tips

Cheaper Alternatives To Superfoods

35K Views Lee Holmes Lee Holmes

Want to eat healthy but not ready to drop a fortune on trendy superfoods? Lee Holmes shares her tips for eating healthy at an …

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Health Tips

The Truth About ‘Greenwashing’

575 Views Alexx Stuart Alexx Stuart

The words ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ can be used on food and cosmetics labels, but without certification, they mean very little, and the products can …

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Active Living

Try This 10-Minute Gentle Stretch to Release Tension

1.8K Views Lauren Verona Lauren Verona

This 10 Minute Seated Stretch covers a wide range of poses and twists to gently stretch your body. The class starts by stretching the …

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Active Living

5 Key Elements to Setting Up Your at Home Yoga Space

2.1K Views Lauren Verona Lauren Verona

Practicing yoga from home has some great advantages. To set up the perfect environment, see our 5 key elements to set up a beautiful …

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Health Tips

10 Common Foods That Make You Bloat

183K Views Lee Holmes Lee Holmes

If your pants fit you in the morning, but not in the afternoon, try eliminating these common bloat triggers.

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Natural Therapies

6 Unusual Ways to Heal The Gut

4.7K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

As most of our Food Matters friends would know, we’re huge advocates for a healthy gut and the prosperous health benefits it brings – …

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