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Health Tips

The Soda Tax That Aims To Boost Education And Reduce Poverty

489 Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Philadelphia’s Mayor, Jim Kenney, has introduced a soda tax on all sugar and artificially-sweetened beverages. This initiative can change more than just people's health …

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Health Hazards

Don't Say "No" To Your Bread And Butter

9.3K Views Samantha Truswell Samantha Truswell

Samantha discusses how the process of baking bread has changed, therefore the way we digest it has too. By following these simple steps, you …

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Health Tips

Do You Want To Have A Healthy Pregnancy?

3.4K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

The number one thing on any expecting mother's mind is having a healthy pregnancy. So we’ve tuned into the mamas, moms, and moms to …

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Health Hazards

5 Weight Loss Supplements You Should Never Use

17K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

These weight loss supplements could cause serious heart problems, hormonal imbalances, and even psychosis! Avoid these dangerous artificial supplements at all costs if you’re …

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Health Hazards

Is Sitting Really The New Smoking?

10.0K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Ever feel like your 9-5 is killing you? Well, if you spend all that time sitting down, it just might be.

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Meditation Expert Says Thoughts In Meditation Are A Good Thing!

2.5K Views Tom Cronin Tom Cronin

Almost all of us struggle with clearing our mind when we try to meditate and relax. Tom Cronin shares his tips and explains how …

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Health Tips

6 Mistakes Healthy People Make When Buying “Health” Food

71K Views Devin Burke Devin Burke

Devin shares his top 6 tips for avoiding common traps when trying to stay healthy. These small tips could make a big difference when …

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Health Tips

Movie Night With FMTV

574 Views Ivette Rieksts Ivette Rieksts

Do you consider yourself both a foodie and a film buff? Interested in health and wellness, and always eager to expand your mind? The …

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Health Tips

10 Simple Ways To Spring Clean Your Eating Habits

5.4K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Humans are creatures of habit and usually, small changes are easier to master than big overwhelming goals! Discover 10 simple steps that you can …

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Health Hazards

5 Tips To Avoid Cancer-Causing Chemicals

6.0K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Cancer is one of the world’s most common non-communicable diseases. Discover the common chemicals that may be contributing to cancer and 5 key tips …

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