Health Tips

Health Tips

10 Free Yoga & Meditation Classes You Can Do at Home

25K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

While so many of us are spending extended periods of time at home right now, connection, mindfulness, and breath is so important. Here are …

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Health Tips

How To Keep Your Kids Happy, Busy, and Healthy when School Closes

869 Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

The prospect of schools closing is a daunting one for many parents, but we can choose to see this as an opportunity to spend …

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Health Tips

10 Minute Guided Meditation For Harmony and Relaxation

3.1K Views Koya Webb Koya Webb

Meditation. It can help us heal, whatever needs healing. When we learn how to meditate, we allow the body space to heal and when …

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Health Tips

Clean Beauty Products We Can't Live Without

706 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Our skin is our body’s largest organ. It protects us from damage and bears the brunt of the outer world. Thankfully, natural alternatives in …

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Health Tips

Deepening Her Yoga Practice & Setting Intentions For A Beautiful Day

107 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Wellness knowledge is a good thing to have - if you’re putting it into practice. In this interview series, we get up close and …

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Health Tips

Enjoying Fresh, Local Foods to Transform Old Habits

139 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Wellness knowledge is a good thing to have - if you’re putting it into practice. In this interview series, we get up close and …

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Health Tips

How to Prevent Chronic Disease and Change Our Food System

867 Views Dr. Mark Hyman Dr. Mark Hyman

In the US, chronic disease has become the norm. Think about how many people you know that have or had one of the following: …

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Health Tips

Swapping Takeaways & Cigarettes for Home-Made Juices and Nature

328 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Christine lives in the beautiful, tropical, Far North Queensland, and has busy days and early starts with her husband. She knows how good healthy …

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Health Tips

9 Longevity Hacks with Gregg Braden

5.0K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

How wonderful would it be to live a life in an abundance of health, without fear of illness or death, for as long as …

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Health Tips

How Stress Can Mess with Your Gut & 3 Things You Can Do About It

17K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

Any form of stress affects our overall gut health, and it’s having disastrous consequences on our population.

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