Health Tips

Health Tips

5 Tips if You're New to Meditating

1.1K Views Lauren Verona Lauren Verona

Are you new to meditating? It certainly can be daunting to know where to start with meditation or feel you are doing it correctly!

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Health Tips

Live Q&A with Jim Kwik from Transcendence: Episode 3 "Beyond Belief"

466 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

In this Live Q&A with James, Jim will talk about smashing limiting beliefs, achieving your dreams with less effort and daily rituals you can …

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Health Tips

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Eat Your Greens!

51K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We know they're good for us, but some days it can be harder than others to get our greens in! We've come up with …

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Health Tips

The Gut Brain Axis

4.5K Views Dr. Libby Weaver Dr. Libby Weaver

Science tells us that our brain, our gut, and our gut microbiome (the community of gut bugs living in our intestine) communicate with each …

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Health Tips

H.O.P.E The Documentary: A Film Teaching the World About Industrialized Farming

787 Views Nina Messinger Nina Messinger

I couldn't stand by in silence any more as the destructive and self-destructive machinery of the western industrialized countries turned faster and more murderously. …

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Health Tips

Brain-Boosting Foods That Improve Mental Clarity

21K Views Annmarie Skin Care Annmarie Skin Care

Fatigue is a modern-day epidemic. The majority of us in the working class are plagued by exhaustion, day in and day out. You drink …

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Health Tips

The Cleanest Water On Earth? Hint: It's Not Rainwater!

39K Views Renae Redgen Renae Redgen

American tap water often contains arsenic, lead, barium, and other toxic chemicals which can pose serious health risks, even in small quantities. Discover the …

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Health Tips

The 8 Supplements A Functional Medicine Doctor Takes Daily

9.3K Views Dr. Mark Hyman Dr. Mark Hyman

DR. MARK HYMAN, a leader in functional medicine, the author of many bestselling books and longtime contributor to The Chalkboard Mag, is a walking …

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Health Tips

5 Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals You Should Avoid

3.9K Views Mukti Organics Mukti Organics

If you knew you were applying chemicals to your body that were interfering with your hormones, would you continue to do so? Highly likely …

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Health Tips

Did You Know You Can Treat Diabetes by Addressing What You Eat?

1.7K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Diabetes, specifically, is one of the largest, silent killers that is fast approaching epidemic proportions globally – but are there ways we can stop …

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