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Natural Alternatives To Toothpaste

21K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Would you like to look after your bright pearly whites without the toxic chemicals added to regular toothpastes? Discover the hidden nasties that are …

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Natural Therapies

What Is Causing Your Migraines & How You Can Treat Them Naturally

20K Views Ralph Moorman Ralph Moorman

Migraine is a highly tedious complaint that continues to be a tricky topic, because there are so many different causes. Find out what is …

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Natural Therapies

5 Ways To Naturally Balance Your Hormones

3.3K Views Mary Vance Mary Vance

Do you struggle with PMS, bloating, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, acne, sugar cravings, insomnia? We are socialized to believe that these symptoms are an …

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Top 5 Posts Of The Week

2.6K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

Wrapping up the next with some of our best posts, as decided by you!

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Health Hazards

Why Are The Bees Disappearing? Short Video!

5.8K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Honeybees have thrived for 50 million years, with each colony of 40 to 50,000 individuals coordinated in amazing harmony. So why are colonies dying …

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Natural Therapies

10 Steps to Naturally Increase Breastmilk

29K Views Sandi Louise Ross Sandi Louise Ross

Breastfeeding, when all flows smoothly, is the one of the best connections between a mother and baby. For others, It can start off with …

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Natural Therapies

Free Yourself From Depression, Anxiety and ADHD

8.4K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Have you ever felt let down by a medical prognosis, or frustrated by a lack of suitable treatment options? We often hear from people …

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Health Hazards

How Much Sugar Is Hiding In Your Favorite Cereals?

3.9K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

How many teaspoons of sugar are lurking in your favorite cereal? Uncover what's hiding in some of the most common cereals...

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Give Your Gut A Hug With Fermented Foods

24K Views Dr. Libby Weaver Dr. Libby Weaver

When it comes to understanding the role of bacteria in our health, consider this - we are actually more bacteria than we are human.

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Health Tips

High Price Of Beauty: 17 Ingredients to Avoid Like The Plague

74K Views Honey Colony Honey Colony

Contrary to mainstream thought, our skin is far more susceptible to toxins than our digestive system!

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