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Health Tips

Adaptogens – Herbs That Make the Stress Go Away

2.8K Views Agnese Zimele Agnese Zimele

Our lives have become busier than ever. We try to squeeze as many activities as possible into those 24 hours working 9 to 5, …

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Could You Stomach These 3 Superfoods?

1.7K Views Annie Button Annie Button

We’ve all heard of superfoods, those nutrient-dense foods that are purported to be particularly beneficial for our health and wellbeing. We’ve discovered 3 unusual …

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Health Tips

7 Natural Antibiotics That Rival The Prescription Kind

72K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Get rid of infections without the digestive destruction, with these five powerful natural antibiotics.

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Health Tips

The Link Between Healthy Diets and Brain Health is Growing

1.9K Views Brian Bender Brian Bender

The common assumption is that lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise positively affect the heart, kidneys, and lungs - not the brain. However, scientific …

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Health Tips

What’s Really in Instant Noodles? (Shocking)

17K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Noodles make for the perfect meal among college students and time-poor people alike, but have you ever wondered what your two-minute solution might be …

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Health Tips

The Reality of Truth: Ancient Answers to New Questions


There’s a lot of films available on the internet claiming to have uncovered some ‘new secret truth’ in the Bible. But the majority are …

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Health Tips

7 Moisturizing Mistakes That Quickly Age Your Skin

16K Views Annmarie Skin Care Annmarie Skin Care

What could be simpler than moisturizer? You just slap it on, rub it in, and sit back and expect more hydrated, radiant skin, right?

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Active Living

How To Meal Prep In Less Than 2 Hours A Week

11K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Sound too good to be true?! Take a look through the tips below and dedicate some time each weekend to spend in the kitchen.

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Health Tips

What Does A Healthy Eating Plan Actually Look Like?

5.4K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

A successful meal plan is a guide that will support you to make healthy food choices and reach your ideal wellness goals. We have …

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Health Tips

Morning Rituals We Are Committing to This Year!

2.7K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

While there may not be one morning routine that works for everyone, there are a number of rituals and practices that, more often than …

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