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Natural Therapies

How To Choose A Good Collagen Powder

2.0K Views Nadine Brown Nadine Brown

What gives your skin the everlasting, bouncy glow? Its collagen. For years now this supplement has remained one of the industry’s favorites, but it’s …

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Healthy Home

5 Easy Ways To Detox Your Home (Plus DIY Cleaning Recipe)

63K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Many of us have done a detox in order to eliminate toxins from our bodies, but how many of us do anything about the …

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9 Calming Foods to Reduce Anxiety & Stress These Holidays

136K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Instead of reaching for an overprocessed “comfort food” that only leaves you feeling worse, try snacking on these tasty treats that are proven to …

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Food Matters 2021 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

2.2K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

For this year’s Food Matters Healthy Holiday Gift Guide, the team has decided to put the focus on gifts that inspire us. Think healthy …

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Health Tips

3 Skin Care Essentials We Can't Live Without

14K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Your skin is your largest organ and absorbs 60% of what you lather on it. That’s why it’s super important to go green and …

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Natural Therapies

Can Keto Give You Gallstones?

2.0K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

A friend from work sat down over lunch and shared the story of a friend who became so committed to the keto lifestyle, she …

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Active Living

Joyful Exercise: 5 Ways To Move Your Body Without Being Hard On It

2.1K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

When do you feel most motivated to exercise? I love joyful exercise. That’s when I want to run out the door and get to …

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6 Tips for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

409 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

If you can get through the holiday season relatively stress-free, then you’ve done a wonderful job. If you’re someone who is prone to stress …

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Health Tips

Why You Should Rest Your Chopped Garlic for 5 Minutes Before Cooking

3.0K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

The best part about garlic is it doesn’t just add a mouthwatering taste, it’s packed with delicious benefits. And I recently found a way …

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Health Tips

6 Simple Swaps For Your Pantry

1.5K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

It seems crazy to think that even the smallest of changes to a meal can level up your health, but that’s the power of …

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