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Health Hazards

Why We Should All Boycott Factory Farming

1.0K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

The disastrous impact of factory farms is not just on the animals abused there, but also on our environment, and even on our health. …

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Natural Therapies

How Gut Health Can Help Treat Anxiety, Depression & ADHD Naturally

4.7K Views Jodi Chapman Jodi Chapman

In this interview, Jodi Chapman explores the relationship between gut health and mental distress. Learn the scientific process of brain chemical synthesis in the …

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Health Tips

Staring At A Screen All Day? Here Are 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Eyes

1.8K Views Rachel Morrow Rachel Morrow

Our eyes are pretty amazing organs. We get to witness the outside world with them. We are living in a world where our digital …

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Health Tips

4 Soothing Teas For the Nervous System

3.4K Views Kate Dalton Kate Dalton

Utilizing the goodness of herbal tea and its therapeutic components is one of the most effective ways to nourish your nervous system, as well …

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Health Tips

Are You Getting Enough Zinc?

4.7K Views Dr. Libby Weaver Dr. Libby Weaver

Zinc is a superstar nutrient that is needed for over 300 enzymes that drive critical biochemical processes in the body. It used to be …

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Health Tips

What Happened When I First Went Plant Based

3.0K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

This is my personal story about when I first went plant-based. This was a new way of eating that I introduced to my entire …

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Health Tips

9 Foods That Ease Digestion & Give Your Belly A Rest

52K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Do you have sensitive digestion and find that certain foods wreak havoc with your system, sometimes long after you’ve eaten them? Discover 9 foods …

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Health Tips

Your Guide To Organic Gardening

1.3K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

From the Earth to our plate ensures that the highest concentration of living nutrients are being delivered into our body for optimal health, well …

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Health Tips

Healthy Gut, Happy Life: Learn How To Make Your Own Water Kefir

2.6K Views Felicity Evans Felicity Evans

In this video, Felicity teaches us about water kefir and how you can make your own at home. Learn to make your own coconut …

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Health Tips

Going Plant Based: How Will I Meet My Iron Needs?

2.3K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

While meat certainly is a great source of iron; it is not the only one. There are plenty of plant-based sources of iron that …

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