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Health Tips

5 Unexpected Side Effects Of Constipation

116K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Most of us know the obvious signs of constipation, but what else could this condition be doing to your health? Discover five sneaky side …

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Health Tips

7 Weird Ways Your Body Can Heal Itself

43K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Each second, trillions of cells are working in harmony to sustain our lives and we never even have to think about it! Discover the …

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It Takes 21 Days To Change A Habit

1.7K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

They say it takes 21 days to break or form a habit. Let’s hear from one of our community members who put this theory …

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Plant-Based Beauty Boosters

1.5K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

To support the work of a balanced diet in creating glowing, healthy skin, there are some great products to check out that won’t jeopardize …

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Health Tips

10 Warning Signs You’re Chronically Dehydrated Without Knowing It

464K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Your head is pounding, you’re hungry all the time- watch out for these unexpected signs that you’re depriving your body of the water it …

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Health Tips

The Mineral Deficiency That Can Halt A Detox

18K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Detoxing your body every now and then is a healthy habit. But there’s one mineral deficiency that could be hindering the effectiveness of your …

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Health Tips

Detox Side-Effects Survival Guide

8.7K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

Detoxing aims to rejuvenate and revitalize the body. During the process we can experience some unusual side-effects. Ashleigh explains some side-effects that you may …

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4 Reasons To Love Dirt!

2.2K Views Renae Redgen Renae Redgen

Dirt has health benefits? That’s right! The benefits of getting dirty may surprise you! Here’s how...

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Active Living

Plant Based Adventure: The Hero’s Journey

871 Views Jon Fitzgerald Jon Fitzgerald

You’re the hero of your journey. We all want to feel our best, reach our full potential and enjoy the ride. I’m hoping you …

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From Hashimoto's To Health

5.6K Views Ivette Rieksts Ivette Rieksts

I wanted to share with others who are struggling to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Over the years I put on a lot of weight …

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