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Health Tips

6 Hormone Balancing Secrets to Relieve PMS

11K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

While we can’t stop PMS from happening, we can make it easier to handle. Here are 6 ways you can make that time of …

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Health Tips

10 Natural Ways to Debloat Quickly

64K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

When your clothes feel too tight, your belly is uncomfortable, and you’re feeling self-conscious, reach for one of these naturally anti-bloating tricks!

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The Simple Technique That Lowers Anxiety And Stress Hormones

12K Views Dr. Alan Christianson Dr. Alan Christianson

Insomnia, weight gain, and fatigue could be indication that you have have too many stress-causing hormones. Use this simple, powerful technique to reset your …

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Natural Therapies

How To Use Essential Oils For Sleep & Stress

24K Views Dr. Eric Z Dr. Eric Z

Feeling stressful and restless? Use these essential oils to relax your mind and body - and lull yourself into better-quality sleep.

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The #1 Invisible Cause of Emotional Eating That Can Sabotage Even The Best Intentioned Health Goals

2.3K Views Sandy Zeldes Sandy Zeldes

Do you find yourself snacking late at night, or munching on food you know isn't healthy but you just can't stop? It's not laziness …

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Health Tips

Why Having A Good Diet Isn't The Only Answer To Being Healthy

68K Views Tom Cronin Tom Cronin

So you drink kale and spinach smoothies each day and you eat only organic food. Yep, you have it all sussed out. But are …

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Health Tips

Natural & Safe Ways To Treat Depression

3.1K Views Dr. Daniel Amen Dr. Daniel Amen

Medicine and surgery are not the only ways to treat depression. Try these natural and safe methods to elevate your mood and be yourself …

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Health Tips

Are You Breathing For Optimal Health?

7.6K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Breathing is the most important element of human existence. Recently, James has become fascinated with the study of different breathing techniques and how to …

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How 1 Teaspoon Of Chia Seeds Can Help Improve Your Gut, Brain, and Heart


These tiny, black seeds are packed with healthy fats and protein, and have an amazing effect on your digestive system. Here’s the best way …

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Health Tips

What Are The Healthiest Alcoholic Beverages?

13K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Discover which alcoholic drinks are the best option for your health! Some of them may actually surprise you.

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