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Top 12 Reasons To Use Spirulina

52K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Spirulina is commonly claimed to be a ‘superfood’ but does this product really deserve that title? Wholeheartedly, definitely, YES! Discover why spirulina is such …

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Creating Healthy Babies

3.9K Views Vanessa Lamaro & Mary Martin Vanessa Lamaro & Mary Martin

Planning for conception? If you're thinking of having a baby, read this informative article by the Baby Builders, fertility specialist naturopaths Vanessa Lamaro and …

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Health Hazards

What Soda Is Really Doing To Your Body

36K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Drinking soda is dangerous to your health, and not just for the reasons you think! This is what happens when you drink soda regularly …

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Active Living

Permaculture: Humanity's Best Hope For Survival?

4.4K Views Renae Redgen Renae Redgen

What is permaculture? How would it affect your food security? And can a sustainable, localized production model of agriculture really provide a viable alternative …

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Must See Documentaries On FMTV In 2017!

1.8K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

Have you ever watched a documentary and had an ‘ah-ha’ moment? Here are the top 3 films on FMTV in 2017.

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Health Hazards

Dementia (A Personal Story)

13K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Food Matters cofounder, Laurentine ten Bosch, shares her personal story about dealing with Alzheimer's.

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Health Hazards

Dangers Of Commercial Deodorants

10.0K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Is your deodorant harming your health? Added chemicals and man-made ingredients could be causing you more harm than you realize.

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Health Hazards

7 Habits Harming Your Gut Health

81K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Some of these habits seem healthy at first glance- but there’s a big downside you need to know.

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Natural Therapies

The Benefits of Listening to Classical Music

10.0K Views Renae Redgen Renae Redgen

Regardless of your musical taste, classical music takes the lead when it comes to brain benefits. Here’s why it works so well (and why …

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Health Tips

What Is The Best Posture For A Full Day At The Office?

3.2K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Most of us spend more time sitting than sleeping. Find out why our posture during these sitting hours is vital to good health!

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