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4 Common Signs That You Need More Sleep

9.9K Views Maya Novak Maya Novak

Sleep is something almost everyone could do with more of, right!? Are you not sure how much sleep you need? This article explains the …

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February Film Club: AINA: That Which Feeds Us

4.7K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

'AINA: That Which Feeds Us' is a new film by directors Dave Mossop and Josh Thome that looks at the conflict between agrochemical giants …

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Natural Therapies

Pregnancy Supplements - Which Ones Really Matter?

3.7K Views Larina Robinson Larina Robinson

Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant? Confused by the should and shouldn’ts of nutritional supplementation? While a healthy diet is essential when …

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Day On A Plate: The Hemsley Sisters

4.4K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Discover what the beautiful Hemsley sisters really eat on an average day to stay healthy and curb their cravings!

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Health Hazards

China Is Turning America Into A Factory Farm

10K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

The demand for meat and dairy in China is turning America into one big factory farm, but at what cost?

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Health Tips

5 Simple Tips To Balance Your Insulin And Improve Your Health

5.6K Views Richard de Leth Richard de Leth

Richard de Leth shares his tips for balancing your insulin levels naturally and improving your overall health.

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Healthy Home

5 Steps to Encourage Your Children To Eat Well

4.9K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Do you struggle to get your children to eat the veggies you serve them? Try these tips to make meal times easier for both …

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Health Hazards

What Is Antibiotic Resistance? (And How To Prevent It!)

3.5K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

The scary reality of antibiotic resistance is an important topic facing people across the globe.This article discusses a real-life example and how you can …

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Healthy Home

Is Your Pillow Making You Sick?

69K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We spend almost one third of our lives asleep. So do you want to pass this time with a pillow that harms or supports …

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Health Hazards

What Is Really In A Vaccine?

3.4K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Did you know that the current highest cause of preventable death in the United States was once considered to be completely harmless?

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