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Health Tips

12 Healthy Snacks For Your Holiday Menu

27K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Looking for healthy, satisfying snacks to fill you up and avoid the blood sugar drop? Discover our top 12 solutions for stabilizing your blood …

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7 Countries That Said “Adios” To Fossil Fuels and Run on 100% Clean Energy

2.8K Views Jamie Perkins Jamie Perkins

Imagine if the country where you lived swapped fossil fuels for clean energy? Click here to read about 7 countries which have done exactly …

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Health Tips

5 Fun Facts About Christmas + Our Healthy Holiday Tips

13K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

During the holiday season it’s easy to get carried away with overindulgence and saying “yes” to an extra drink or two. Here are 5 …

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Health Tips

10 Everyday Foods For Health And Vitality

9.0K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Are you headed straight to the superfood section for your pick-me-up? While these foods are amazing for your health, don't miss out on the …

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Health Hazards

This Could Be The Article That Stops You Eating Non-Organic Wheat

28K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Not sure if switching to only organic wheat products is worth it? These are the reasons why you should make the change immediately.

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Natural Therapies

Healing Food Sensitivities

8.3K Views Mike & Suzie Marschhausen Mike & Suzie Marschhausen

If you think you might have some kind of food sensitivity or any of these symptoms, following these two steps may help heal your …

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What the Moon Cycle Can Tell Us About Our Own Monthly Cycles

4.6K Views Alle Weil Alle Weil

How can the mirrored relationship between women and their monthly menstrual cycles and the moon’s waxing and waning energy help us to understand ourselves …

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Natural Therapies

5 Foods That Boost Fertility

7.9K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Trying for a baby? Discover 5 foods that help boost fertility and may help you become pregnant.

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15 Ways To Pack More Protein Into Your Diet


Do you know how much protein your body requires per day? Do you know if you’re getting enough? Click here to find out how …

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Health Tips

New Film Documents the Japanese Dieting Experiment

6.9K Views Ivette Rieksts Ivette Rieksts

What if there were a simple, effortless lifestyle change to better health?

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